Sync Ableton clock from DT/DN

I attempted to try and figure this out on my own but honestly am having a ton of difficulty. Here is the issue.

I want to be able to control Live’s clock from my DN. As far as I understand, that means the Live needs to be the Slave and DN Master. The only reason I’m using Live in the first place is so that I can continue to use my interface and potentially record vocals while in the midst of using DN. I’d like to be able to just use OB Standalone, but there still exists that issue where the metronome is inaudible.

How can I set Live up to receive clock from my DN? I know people say that Live is far better as a clock source, but I can’t get used to having to reach over to the computer every time I want to record a sequence. Anyways, I hope someone understands my issue, if not please ask questions below and I will clarify. Thanks.

You should find your answer here

Basically select the DN as Sync and enable the Ext button in the top left.
And enable Send Clock in the DN MIDI settings.