Sync Elektron cycles with beatstep pro

Hi there , im quite New in this Kind of Music and Love the Elektron cycles to Start .
My question is how to use the beatstep pro as a Master to the cycles and Connect a Midi Keyboard to the cycles

Master ( beatstep ) midi out to ( MIDI thru Box ) to cycles , Korg Monoloque , drumbrute , Roland j 6
This all works Fine , but i would like to Play the cycles with separat midi Keyboard and use the Beat step pro as a Sequenzen for the other devices and as Master .

I Know i can Go directly from the beatstep pro to the midi in of the cycles but then i cant Connect my midi out from the Thru Box to the midi in to the cycles .

Are there any ideas .

I think the Beatstep Pro is missing MIDI thru, a common problem these days. If you have a DAW involved, or something else that can work as a USB host, you should be able to set the Cycles to receive via USB + MIDI and send the keyboard to the USB input. Otherwise a MIDI merge device would certainly allow this the “proper” way - either merge the keyboard and Beatstep before the thru box, or merge the keyboard with the signal going to the Cycles.

Another option that doesn’t require any additional hardware would be the have the Cycles as your master clock, with the Beatstep synced to it. You’d lose the ability to sequence the Cycles from the Beatstep, but you could then have your keyboard going straight into the Cycles. So the setup would be keyboard > Cycles > Beatstep > MIDI thru box > everything else.

Thanks a lot for the answer . Brillant :+1:

I will try that with the cycles as Master ( Has got a very nice worklfow sequnecer ) also could try with Ableton .
But when you have been a Long Time a Bass Player with 2 Cables and 1 amp its quite New with all the connections . Respekt what all of the electronic Musik persons can do .

I did. Not really unterstand the Way with the merge midi box .

Regards from germany

The MIDI merge would be a new box. It would for example take one of the leads coming out of your thru box, and the lead from your keyboard, and then send a single lead out to the Cycles. The box will merge the two incoming MIDI signals into one.

You could also merge the Beatstep and keyboard and send the merged signal into your thru box - this way you could change channels and use the keyboard to control any of your other gear.

Kenton make a model called the Merge 4, but you’ll find smaller and cheaper options if you search Amazon etc.

Thanks again,
I will try that with the merge Box .
Just orderd it .
Many thanks for your Supply

Best regards