Sync SRC and SAMPLE tune control?

Is there any way to setup one control knob that can drive tune controls for the src/machine and a sample for a sound?

So let’s say I have a tom sound which uses a machine for the first drum head/partial and a sample for a second drum head/partial. I want the sample’s tune to be synced to the machine’s tune control (relative, allowing detune).

I think this could be done easily on something like the Tempest via the mod matrix.

I’d like to not have to switch between SRC and SAMPLE screens when changing the tune.

Is this doable?

I imagine that you would either have to:

  • use a Performance macro to control both parameters, or
  • have an external MIDI processor that was programmed to reflect the change in one parameter back to the other.

I figured out a decent solution outside of using MIDI, just use the note (NOT) control in the TRG screen.

Just got the Rytm today. This drum machine is amazing. I was so skeptical of Elektron gear at first. The industrial design, the software, the packaging, it’s all stellar.

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