Sync Syntakt & Intellijel MIDI 1U question!

Hi Gang - I’d consider myself high intermediate with synthesis in general, not a newbie, but I am new to this particular setup. I’m having a devil of a time syncing the Syntakt up with Intellijel’s MIDI 1U unit (latest firmware, etc). The module works, cables are good, I”m guessing it’s some port setting in Syntakt. Just want Syntakt to send clock to MIDI 1U. In Settings/MIDI Config/Sync I have Clock Send and Transport Send selected, all Receives unselected, Prog Ch Send is selected. The two are connected with the correct Intellijel MIDI cable and a good MIDI cable coming out of Syntakt. MIDI 1U is in learn mode but does not seem to learn. Do I need to change settings elsewhere in Syntakt? Should be dead simple, but of course, these things are so dead simple that instructions are usually hard to find ; ) Thanks for any input, I do appreciate it!

I’m not really a MIDI person, but I’ve been using the Syntakt to send MIDI to my 0-Coast without any issues. I just bought the Intellijel MIDI 1U and expander to use with the Syntakt, so I’ll give it a try tonight and see if I can get it working and report back.

Edit: I’m sending clock and resets from the Syntakt to the MIDI 1U with no problems using the same settings. I didn’t go into learn mode and it shouldn’t be necessary just to send clock. I did see that Intellijel has an app to configure their MIDI modules- maybe worth a try.

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Make sure MIDI is coming out the MIDI port, and not usb only.
Check the system prefs…

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yes, midi is only coming out of midi. I’m double checking firmwares on everything as well. I’ll also try the config app to see what’s happening there. Many thanks!

Thanks again to both of you - FYI I did trace my issue down to a config on the Intellijel side. Now I’m able to do clock and full midi voicing on that module via Syntakt. It’s a gas! Cheers.


Hey Daniel, what was the solution in the end? I’m struggling here getting this to work. My 1u receives everything perfect through usb but doesn’t respond to the MIDI. Could you let me kn ow how you’ve solved it?

Hi! Hey, I just saw this. It turned out to be pretty simple - I ran the Intellijel Config app and adjusted the settings for the module - you can adjust all the outs and ins and how MIDI 1U behaves when it stops receiving clock, etc. Then I connected Syntakt to Transfer and configured from there. And it just worked. I watched this video to help get around the Config app and it helped a bit too, even though it’s for the uMIDI module. Same thing. Intellijel µMIDI Appendix 1 - Online Configuration Utility - YouTube good luck!