Syncing 2 Elektrons Via the APPS

Hello there,

I try to start/play/stop “synchronize” (for example my digitakt and syntakt) my Boxes which are connected only via USB to PC running the two apps on windows.

Why: Simple dawless fun but via USB. No additional cables. I know, a midi cable would solve the issue instantly. But I´m interested if it works via USB.

How? :slight_smile:

I got my Elektron boxes connected to PC via USB.
Overbridge Enabled (for the Apps)
In the apps options midi in the other device selected.

In the boxes sync menue clock and transport send/receive

Ports: input/output: midi+usb

what do I not see? If I press play on one devices the other device does not start in sync/at all.

just curious if there is a simple way to get boxes synced via USB connected to a pc.

Ideas? Or are the boxes not meant to be synced via USB and the elektron apps dawless?

Can you use one of the virtual midi apps (Bome etc, there are several) to connect the two Overbridge apps? Or sync the two machines via a midi cable, whilst also using their overbridge apps?

Hi and thx,

but I just wanted to know if there is a way without any extra cables (as mentioned). Only the USB cable. The question is really: Is there a way to sync, without DAW, only USB and a PC/Laptop?

I don´t know if there is a way with virtual midi cables. But I don´t think that would help because I can select the midi outs of the other elektrons in the app already (and MIDI via USB is selected in the boxes).

Sooooooooo :slight_smile:

I just wonder. Did Elektron really didn´t think about something like several of their own boxes just connected via USB to an pc/laptop and via app ready to go (together)?

That’s just not how this works. You’re simply selecting the wrong MIDI interface in the app not making some kind of connection. You’ll need a virtual midi routing app to provide the “cable” like @mokomo already said. Also midi via USB over PC isn’t even a very good idea in the first place due to jitter. The simplest, most stable and reliable way to sync is the old midi cable.

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If you’re using Linux and PipeWire, you can have “anything to anything” connections between apps, devices and DAW tracks.

This would also let you patch a MIDI out into a MIDI in on your boxes while also letting you patch in MIDI tracks from a DAW.

I know it is not the best way (maybe). I am just curious IF there is a way only via USB/PC/Apps

And why does the Midi via USB (not overbridge “midi”) does not work with the apps but in the daw?

For what I can select the other elektrons in the app as midi out but nothing is going to the other device?

Call it a theoretical question. (I have enough midi cables arround to solve this if I want.)

I never had sync or jitter problems via USB but please don´t ask me why. Maybe because I use the Overbridge Plugins (together with my Virus TI2 and its plugin). I have two overhubs and I connected 5 Elektron boxes, the Virus, some USBstuff like dongles, other Synths just midi via USB AND my Steinberg racksoundcard into them and then firmly awaiting timing terror. Guess what: System runs rock stable, no timing issues and as far as I can tell no jitter. I got to say, I had problems with other USBhubs, but since I got everything on Overhubs it just works fine (only the virus was unstable here and there but that since forever and several pcs and USBhubs). So I am clearly a walking commercial for the overhubs :slight_smile: :sweat_smile:

Well, yes, there are apps. I don’t know about windows but on Mac there are Midipipe and Midi Patchbay. I’ve just tested this and it works fine.

Have to admit, I open the standalone Overbridge apps so rarely I always forget about their rather hidden (at least on a Mac) Audio/Midi settings menus. I think the “active midi inputs” setting is mostly there to select a keyboard or similar controller for sending notes. At least that’s what has worked with my Keystep just now. Clock from the keystep got ignored. So, yeah, you’re right, this could possibly be changed. Might open a whole can of worms (=support requests) if multiple devices are selected and send midi clock though.