Syncing AR with Ableton Live

So I have the A4 and use it sometimes to synch from midi in Ableton triggering the A4. Works like a charm, sometimes I just want to use it as a sound module of sorts. I’d like to do the same thing with the AR and I pretty much have everything set up the same way within the midi settings of the AR but for some reason the AR doesn’t sound when I play midi tracks from the clock of Ableton. I remember way back when when I first set up the A4, there was a setting in A4 that didn’t have anything to do with the midi section of A4 in order to play midi tracks from Live to the machine, I forgot what it was but suspect it’s the reason I can’t clock from Ableton to the AR.

Anyone have an idea what setting I am missing? Anyone else have any issues?

Just to be sure, you’ve set all the necessary MIDI settings on both the AR and in Live? And, you want to use Live as the master MIDI clock as well as send note data to the AR? Should be straightforward, recheck all settings. I have no probs sending MIDI clock and notes to my AR.

Thanks, it’s not my setup in Ableton because I plugged into the A4 and it works perfectly. I don’t like using the USB so I use a Motu midi connection and everything works perfect between the A4 and Ableton.
My setup in the AR is as follows;
Midi Config
Midi Sync
These are checked
Clock Receive
Transport Receive
Prog Ch Rec

Midi Port Config
Turbo speed is unchecked
Out Port and Thru Port are set to Midi
Input From and To are set to Midi +USB
Output ch set to Auto
Param Out set to NRPN
Encoder set to Int+Ext as is everything else
Then the last 2 options are checked.

What am I missing here? I remember another setting somewhere else that isn’’ the midi section in an electron machine that must be set to something but can’t think of it… or is there something wrong in my midi config?

Anyone have an idea what I am missing here?

Input From and To are set to Midi +USB

Have you tried the “MIDI” only setting?

Possibly worth power cycling after updating the setting.

Try enabling MMC in Live? Also, I find that after a power cycle, I need to start the AR manually once (ie. playing any pattern) before it accepts sync and play/stop.

What about your channel settings on the AR? you’ve set them to receive MIDI for each track from a diff MIDI channel, right?

Input should be MIDI only.
Or USB only. I have issues if both are checked.
Keep us updated.
Cheers !

Edit : I also have to sometimes power cycle the AR when syncing to Ableton. Even though the AR actually shows up in the MIDI preferences of Ableton.

Thank you, I tried “midi” only and powering down/restarting yet it still doesn’t play the midi notes from Ableton, it does however start the machine when I have the output synced in Ableton but again I am using the same exact setup that I have used on the A4 and Ableton and never had any issues my set up above plays A4 perfectly… but doesn’t play the AR…

it does however start the machine

Do you mean it triggers a pattern, instead of playing notes? That is probably a setting somewhere (I don’t have an AR yet, just the A4 but it has a trigger mode for patterns rather than notes).

Yes it triggers the patterns only but I want to trigger the midi notes from Ableton. Yes it must be a setting in the AR because as I said the A4 works perfectly with the same exact set up in Ableton… it has to be something I am missing in the AR some sort of setting that isn’t in midi config

Is the pattern that plays always the currently selected pattern, or does it change depending on which MIDI note you send from Ableton?

In the first case, it’s probably because the Rytm is receiving MIDI clock + start message from Live. This can be disabled in the MIDI - MIDI Sync menu - see page 50 of the manual.

Disable “Transport”, but leave “Clock Receive” enabled.

is the AR set to channel 10?

I ask because drum machine tend to be on midi channel 10, everything else lives on channel 1 double check the ports are right.

also run a midi sniffer and see that ableton is sending what you think it is and the ar send on the right channels too

How do I set the channel of the AR to Ch1?

It’s only the currently selected pattern, I’ll check the manual for Midi sync but shouldn’t it be receiving the clock from Ableton?

I’ll try disabling Transport

func global
midi channel
each track is set to a channel… set to your desires channel…

Nothing from above works! Again I have to emphasize that the A4 works perfectly as I have it configured with Ableton and syncing…

The AR starts when I have output sync on in ableton but it’s not triggering the midi notes from Ableton (on my a4 it does with all the settings exactly the same on machine as far as midi is concerned and all settings the same on ableton) So I am wondering if there is a trigger function like someone mentioned above that isn’t in the midi config but perhaps somewhere else in AR this has been thoroughly frustrating.

All my channels are set to corresponding tracks, track 1 to channel 1 etc.
I had Perf channel and auto channel set to 15 but I just sent them to 1 unless it should be something else… very perplexed by this problem, really need help.

When I change the setting of Ableton to Sync output it plays only the pattern that is selected on the AR, so AR is syncing with Ableton but I want to sync it so I play midi notes from Ableton to AR, so the notes are triggered from ableton midi to AR channels.

It’s gotta be some really stupid setting somewhere, perhaps not even in midi… how can I trigger notes from MIDI from Ableton to my AR??

have you found it out? I have the same problem here (not on channel 1 though - there it works)

Sorry to revive a really old post but did you ever manage to get this sorted?

I have the exact same problem and also have an A4. Everything on A4 works perfectly.

I can sequence AR from anywhere except Live.

Its receiving clock fine and I can even record midi from the AR to Live.

Triggering from Live might trigger like 1 trig in 5 but even that has a massive lag.

Ive reviewed all my settings multiple times, cross referenced settings with A4 tried a new project, changed midi channels, basically anything I could think of.

Its not my usual way of working with the AR but could swear Ive done it in the past.

Its really bugging me.