So my question is quite touch and I couldn’t find any answers online. Is it possible to sync Digitakt with an analogue clock coming from Eurorack gear?
Real life example: I have the Make Noise 0-Ctrl which is a hell of an analogue sequencer with clock output. How can I send this output to Digitakt in order to move the steps of its sequencer following the clock from 0-Ctrl? Obviously it has to be done through the MIDI input but how?
I would guess it’s only doable with a CV-to-MIDI converter module, since Digitakt can send, but not receive, DIN Sync (24/48ppqn). Doepfer makes one, though the other way to go would be a module to play back samples.
For just clock, there are some specialized modules, for example the Pexp-1 expander for Pam’s New Workout. I opted for Befaco CV Thing, which is a more general CV-to-MIDI module, because I sometimes want to send pitch or some other useful CV.
As @Humanprogram mentions, Digitakt can send 24ppqn, and I’ve used that with a $10 cable to deliver clock to Pam’s New Workout (and from there to the rest of my modules as needed). The 0-ctrl has clock in, so you could use Digitakt as the master clock.
For this simple use case I doubt it matters, but clocking modular from MIDI vs the other way around is not optimal. MIDI by it’s very nature has inherent unavoidable jitter; modular/CV does not. You’re always better off avoiding MIDI clocks when you can. For example if I clock my modular from a Digitakt, the jitter is enough to produce subtle artifacts in various modules that depend on that clock like delays etc. The other way around I have zero problems (well, aside from MIDI devices having various latencies, but that problem exists regardless).
How would the Befaco CV Thing work with the 0-ctrl and the Digitakt? I don’t get it . Do I send the clock out from 0-ctrl into the cv inputs and then? How do I send that into the Digitakt?
You could send the clock from 0-ctrl into CV input 1 of CV Thing, and configure that to act as a gate input and send a clock message. Then you take MIDI out from CV Thing, either USB or TRS, and connect that to USB or DIN MIDI in of Digitakt, and configure Digitakt to listen for MIDI correspondingly.
CV Thing is overkill for your particular example, but I find it quite useful. For example, I send gates from Euclidean Circles or gates+pitch from Stochastic Inspiration Generator, to get functionality I can’t easily duplicate on my Elektron boxes.
For clock sync, there’s a lot of options out there, but I like to send the MIDI out of my DT to a Microfreak. I think it has 3 different resolution/speed options and it provides a clock out.