Syncing elektron devices with ableton without overbridge

Hey all. Recently i’ve purchased a new audio interface (Rme ucx ii) and i want to record the sound from my elektron devices (analog rytm and digitone) from it without using overbridge.
I’ve already tested Various ways, like using external instrument ableton device and send midi by midi in (without using usb), but i always have some latency in the recordings. I’ve tried using usb without overbridge just to send midi info and have latency too…
I have a modular case too that it’s working perfectly with the latency corrections i’ve made but i’m not beeing successfull with my analog rytm. And even when i’m monitoring all synths and daw together, elektron devices are the only one offbeat.

I’m trying to find the Best way to sync all together (daw ableton, elektron devices and modular case), can someone help me with this?

Ps: Can’t understand why using ableton external instrument device with the modular case work’s fine, but can’t do the same with analog rytm and digitone.

Buy a sync-device like the E-RM Multiclock. No more midi-sync problems. Abletons Midi clock and generally midi clock from any DAW barly works. If you get it aligned with an offset in the Midi settings of Ableton it will a.) have a lot of jitter. This mean the clock is wonky and not in a good way. B) You will always fight with it. Next day you open Ableton and it can be again off, because midi clock on a computer is calculated in a sequential way the computers do and doesn’t have a high priority. So you can add plugins in your actual project for example and the clock can be off again and you need to adjust again. It’s a pain ! When I started to incorporate external sequencers to my hybrid setup with Ableton I didn’t understand why you need a 500€ box for a simple sync- Got for two months super frustrated and than bought the Mulitlock that solved everything because it uses sample accurate audio to create perfect shiftable and jitter-free midi-clocks to sync with your DAW.

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Indeed the Multiclock makes everything Rock solid. Pricey mind!

Yes its pricey, but if you invested in expensive devices like the Elektrons und even a modular system, than you want it to play all nicely together. Its one of my most important devices in my studio syncing midi sequencers, drumachines, modular (clock+reset) that are routed through Ableton and my external effects that need no shifted clock and are direct connected to my mixer. I would feel total helpless without it ! :smiley:

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Thank you for your help! I was trying to avoid spending that money, but if it’s the only way…

Yes, it’s expensive … that’s why i was searching for other ways :confused:

I have no experience with this device, but it looks good and and should be out soon. It uses also audio sync. The kickstarter is now 149,-€ (16 left). Would be cheaper than the Multiclock.

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Thank you again, will check this.

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There is also the E-RM MIDICLOCK+. Less expensive.

That’s just a midi clock. No audio-input for syncing the DAW with audio ticks.

Oh, i was happy for 10 seconds but then i read this ahah

Is that what OP wants?

What’s the purpose of the Midiclock+, then?

Midiclock⁺ Master Clock Source.

Improve your musical setup with a jitterfree masterclock.

The midiclock⁺ generates incredibly accurate MIDI Clock messages, DIN Sync & Analogue Clock pulses in a range from 40-300 BPM with a jitter of max. 500ns.

Improve your musical setup now by removing clock jitter and get rid of sloppy timing.

Two DIN output sockets connect to your gear. Each of them can be configured individually to MIDI Clock or either DIN Sync (sync24) or Analogue clock (8ppq). Clock signals can be distributed to numerous slaves by using MIDI Thru boxes, DIN Sync hubs and modular multiples.

During playback, the midiclock⁺ is always able to resync all MIDI Clock gear on the next downbeat of a 4/4 time signature. If one of your slaves gets out of sync by any reason, just push the resync button and everything is aligned again on the next downbeat without stopping your performance.

I think that would be fine for hardware only but not for getting the DAW in sync with the hardware


The OP wants Ableton as a Master Clock and sync his devices to it. The Midiclock+ is designed as a pure Master Clock. And Ableton as a Midi slave !? Oh boy… that’s even more wonky.

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I thought it was USB and could be used with a DAW.

Could be wrong but I think its only USB powered. At the time I was advised I needed to go for the other one to have Ableton as masterclock

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Understood. Thanks!