Syncing machinedrum And analog four

I got a machinedrum and a analog four a few weeks ago having trouble syncing them together would be great to here back from someone THANKS ALAN

you need a MIDI cable.

for better answer please provide more detailed description of problem.

Yes but how long?

depends on the color mostly.

hey alan. welcome to the forum.

assuming you have read the midi sync sections in the respective manuals and connected the two machines correctly, what exactly are the problems you are encountering ?

Yes but how long?[/quote]
You take the blue cord– the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red cord– you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

in MD you must go into the menu and tell it its the boss machine, in the a4 you must go in setup menu and tell it it is the bitch

A4 will be the bitch automagicly by default IMO, whatever blue or red cable.

A4 will be the bitch automagicly by default IMO, whatever blue or red cable.[/quote]
seems like you got it sorted out! … hi from berlin Joel :slight_smile: cool black white vid you made!

Hi from Stockholm TrabanT (might go to Berlin tomorrow :smiley: - for CTM). And thanks - I love doing live A/V!

Hi there,

I am trying to sync md and a4 too. I have the midi sync fine, and have a 1/4 inch audio cable from md to a4, but cant hear my md audio through the a4. Is there a level or track or sth else on the a4 i need to adjust to hear the incomng audio.?

Thanks very much!

md headphone out OR left/right out into IN LEF and IN RIGHT into A4.
increase volumes on MD !
turn A4 on
navigate to FX mute … its the button underneath Track 4
on the display you will see the right most 2 colums namel VOL … that is the income volume.
turn knobs E and J up to 100 and when MD is running you should hear things now!
also dont forget master volume and make sure MD ist not muted

Thanks very much TrabanT, works perfect now … and is awesome! (I actually eventually worked it from ploughing through the a4 manual, but thanks so much!) … God, the MD sounds so good, can’t see the need for a AR :slight_smile: