Syncing Microbrute and Digitakt?

I’m trying to sync my DT to my Microbrute but can’t get any response? I followed the manual and have the settings the same.
In midi sync do you have clock receive,transport receive and prog ch receive all turned off as the DT is sending midi?
Also do you need a audio cable connecting from MB to DT AND your mixer?
I appreciate any help!


Before going into detailed settings let’s make sure that we understand what you are trying to do. Do you want to:

  • play the DT from the Microbrute’s keyboard?
  • use the DT’s sequencer to send notes to the Microbrute?
  • have the Microbrute’s sequencer play in time with the DT’s sequencer?
  • have the DT’s sequencer play in time with the Microbrute’s sequencer?

Or some combination of these scenarios?

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Hi Peter,
I’m trying to use the DT’s sequencer to send notes to the Microbrute. I’ve very little experience with midi!

OK. Let’s take it one step at a time …

It seemed like you got it going a few months ago so I’m sure that you can do it again.

Connect the MIDI Out port of the DT to the MIDI In port of the MB.

You may need to use the MB’s software editor (“Microbrute Connection”) to find out which MIDI channel number the MB is using. For now let’s assume that it is using MIDI channel 1.


  • set OUT PORT FUNC to “MIDI”,
  • set OUTPUT TO to “MIDI”,
  • set TRIG KEY DEST to “INT+EXT”.

Select a MIDI track on the DT, for example track A.

In the SRC page for that track, set CHAN to 1 (to match the channel number on the MB). Remember to hold {FUNC] and press DATA ENTRY knob A to enable the CHAN knob!

Pressing the DT’s trig keys should now send MIDI note messages to the MB. Listen to the MB’s output to check whether this is happening.

If it is, you’re all set to record notes into the MIDI track following the instructions in chapter 10 of the DT’s manual.

Let us know how you get on.


Hi Peter,
Thank you for all your help…that worked perfectly!! Big thank you mate and yes I posted a few months ago but couldn’t get it back working again.
Much appreciated​:+1::+1::+1:

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Peter I wrote down word for word the set up into my DT notepad so I won’t forget again.
Thanks again…Have a great weekend :grinning:

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