Syncing Octa start to an LFO in Ableton


I’m using the Octatrack to sequence a few Arturia Pigments synths along with my Machinedrum.
One of the Pigments synths have 2 lfos assigned to the filter cutoff.

I’d like to have the LFOs start from the beginning of their phase whenever the first midi note is received. But currently I can’t make it work. In pigments I tried setting the LFOs retrig source to sequence start, but I’m not sure the OT is sending Sequence start signal. Everything is sequenced from the OT, there are no midi clips in Ableton.

How would I go about that? Any idea? Thanks a lot!

This seems Pigment related if you’re talking about its lfos retrig. Weird if its lfos can’t be retriggered with note receiving.

OT can send a midi START message, and midi lfos starting from note trig.

Thanks. What I did in pigments is set the logo trig to legato keyboard and sequenced the notes in the Octa so that they would overlap.

This way the lfo started on the first note without retriggering every new note !

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