I found a strange behaviour didn’t find in other digis, I guess is a bug, when I browse the sounds for a track, can’t hear the sound selected in browser screen, always sounds the same sound (first one I play in preview). And if I’m in chromatic mode, in the same screen, the pads 9-16 are lighted in red and select the bank sounds, instead lighted in white and acts as a keyboard to play the preview sound in screen. The other pads (1-8) seems ok.
I can’t seem to reproduire this.
In keyboard mode, while looking for a sound for the current track (Fn+Level) I can see the line 1-8 in white (I love the fold mode btw).
Line 9-16 is red if all banks are selected, or only the selected bank is red.
Which seems normal and what we want.
I’m not sure if this is a bug, or if the audio routing is supposed to behave like that:
Say I configured tracks 1-4 to run through the FX track. When using overbridge, I’m able to record the FX block, main out and tracks 1-4 separately. However, when I go into the audio routing settings and remove tracks 1-4 from the main out, they are also removed from the FX track stereo stereo signal.
I thought I would be able to use the main out and the FX track as two separate stereo busses for recording, so I hope this is a bug and not hardwired into the STs architecture.
Well, it changes when you change the filter sustain, so it’s not a burned screen.
I have no clue if this can be addressed with software, I guess it can but is it worth it, I wonder.
Actually, nevermind in fold mode or not… the only way to preview (prelisten) the sound in soundbank when you are in preview screen is func+yes.
I thought you could play the sounds in soundbank with keyboard in chromatic mode (or fold) as you could with digitone. Then if you want to select a bank in this screen, press bank key and the pad 9-13 to select, as digitone.
I’ll hazard a guess that is just the way the dimming is implemented, and not something that can be changed/fixed.
It looks like the dimming function might limit the current available to each row of pixels, so those with less pixels lit up on the row end up brighter.
Looks like the very top rows are between the level of that dim one and the bright ones.
Only thing I’ve noticed is every now and then when you play the keyboard, sometimes notes latch on even after letting go of the key then you have to press again to get it to go off?
Do a factory reset. Turn off the machine. Hold down the FUNC key and turn it on again. You will see a list with numbers. Press the trig that has the same number as the factory reset option in the list.