Syntakt & Ableton 11 (with and without Overbridge)

Hello World,

what’s your setup for connecting Syntakt w/ Ableton 11 using Overbridge and without using Overbridge? If I understand correctly, it’s not possible to route/record the individual tracks 1-12 without using Overbridge?

Thanks for the help :+1:t4:

You need to enable Overbridge in your Syntakt USB settings. That’s all you need to do to get individual audio tracks into Ableton. If you want to use the Syntakt plugin, you need to turn on the Overbridge engine. Just remember to select the Syntakt as your input audio device.

This is optional really…you can capture all of your individual tracks without making any of your Elektron boxes your audio interface. I use a DT/DN pair along with a Tascam Model 12. My Model 12 is my primary interface, and when I want to track either/both of the DT and DN into Ableton, I can record them alongside other gear I have routed through my Model 12 at the same time.


That might be because you’re using your Model 12 as your audio interface, which allows you to record multiple tracks into Ableton (please correct me if I’m wrong). If not, how can you record separate tracks into Ableton without selecting the Syntakt as an audio interface?

If you use the plugins, you can get the individual track streams from the plug-in’s MIDI track by routing it to other audio tracks. I have a Scarlett 18i8 and none of my Overbridge Elektron devices are connected to it and I never have to change my audio interface, and I can get individual outs for multiple devices at once. It is a little bit of a pain setting up initially, but once you get a template together, it is incredibly powerful.


Thanks for the input :ok_hand:t4:

I set up individual audio tracks for each of the 12 Syntakt tracks. Could do the same for the midi tracks, but for what purpose?

Also, the Overbridge VST warns not to use the sequencer etc. on Syntakt whilst connected to the DAW via Overbridge. Why is that? Does it mean you lose the ability to use the awesome Elektron sequencer once running via Overbridge in a DAW?

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Whereabouts does it say that? Perhaps you misinterpreted something. Or something drastic has changed since I used Overbridge, changing its nature completely.

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Just some popup that opened when I first launched the Syntakt plugin in Ableton. I also thought it was weird, but maybe I read it wrong…

Follow-up question: is there a way to record all the 12 Tracks of the Syntakt at the same time in Ableton? Or do I have to record them all separately, one by one? Thx

@FlexMundo says it here:

The key is using the Overbridge plug-in for each of your Elektron devices. Drag and drop whichever box (DT, DN, ST, etc) OB VST onto a track, and it opens up the ability to select individual tracks out from it, without having to set the box as your interface.

Whenever I am using soft synths in Ableton, I sequence them from my DT. I just prefer the Elektron sequencer to drawing notes in a DAW. Plus I can easily PLock MIDI parameters as well. I don’t really set up individual MIDI tracks (unless I want to record the MIDI information separately), but just set the MIDI source to be my DT.

You should be able to record the main outs of your ST as a stereo track…this will be the entire mix from your ST. You should definitely be aware that recording individual tracks through OB for any of the Digi boxes means that they are captured dry, without any effects on them. All of the effects are send effects, so they are processed all at once for every track that is using them. One thing you can do if you want individual track but also the effects (also if the ST works like the DT, which I am guessing it does) is mute each track individually in SETTINGS->AUDIO ROUTING->ROUTE TO MAIN page. Then so long as you set each individual track up through OB and also use the MAIN outs through OB as a stereo track, you’ll have the dry signal of each of the tracks isolated, and the effects from all of the tracks isolated and summed in the MAIN out.


Thanks for reminding me about using it this way. I haven’t used the plugins for so long :rofl:

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This was probably a warning about recording using Overbridge AND an audio interface at the same time (meaning recording a mix of OB tracks and direct audio interface input tracks). Ableton/Overbridge can’t properly compensate for latency differences when using them simultaneously.

This does not mean you can’t use them both in your project, you just shouldn’t record multiple tracks that consist of a mix of OB and audio interface tracks at the same time.

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For some reason I can’t get Overbridge to detect my ST. I’ve installed the 64-bit VSTs in a custom directory (C:/VSTs) and left everything else alone. When I open up the Overbridge Control Panel, my ST doesn’t show up. I’ve triple checked that it’s in OB mode, I’ve restarted my computer. Unplugged and plugged back in. Do I have to install it in the default folder for it to work, or do something specific with security settings? This is my first device with OB, and I know that it can be kind of a pain to set up.

Do I need to use Overbridge if I want to record 12 individual tracks from Syntakt to Ableton?
I was under the impression that it was Class Compliant and could send audio over USB without the use of Overbridge.

I’ve just bought a Syntakt, and yesterday I tried to use it with Ableton 11 via Overbridge. That worked great, but today when I try it it works but Ableton crashes if I try to do anything with the Overbridge plugin. Like opening its controls.

And another thing, which I suppose is down to my not knowing how to use Overbridge properly – how do I make these 12 channels over USB show up in Ableton to be chosen as inputs on individual audio tracks? I only see Syntakt, which is the main stereo out. I can route that to one audio track with no problems.

OK, the VST3 works, but not the AU it seems. On an M1 Mac Mini running Monterey.

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I hope its not too simple question, but I can’t set up tracks in Ableton to record main output from Syntakt without Overbridge. In Syntakt I have set not OB but Audio\Midi and I receive signal in MIDI track in Ableton but can’t see any signal in audio track in Ableton.

Any help would be much appreciated.