Syntakt and Digitakt audio + MIDI routing

Hello Elektronauts! :slight_smile:

How would you connect Syntakt, Digitakt, external synthesizer and audio interface together?

Would you go DT audio out to ST audio in or other way around?

How about midi?

Also bonus question - trying to connect my DaveSmithInstruments Pro2 synth in the mix.:slight_smile:

Regarding audio routing, it depends on what you want. The analog FX block of the Syntakt can warm up the Digitakt if you want to route DT —> ST.

Conversely, you could apply the Digitakt’s master compression to everything including the Syntakt if you route ST —> DT. In addition, you can sample the ST any time you like.

Re. MIDI sync, I tend to let whatever box is most often the drums/rhythm source do the master control. Currently, that’s Syntakt in my setup, with DT being more about cool sample stuff and DN being more about melodic and atmospheric stuff. This is subject to change, as I’ve only had the Syntakt for a short time, but my setup is pulling me in that direction where Syntakt is the centerpiece now.


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i always have a digi elektron box doing all midi sequencing for my entire setup. i route my launchpad into my octatrack, which then goes out or thru to the digitakt, digitone, or now in my current case, the syntakt

syntakt sends midi out to a quadra thru or just into subsequent instruments then out from their own midi thru outputs and into all synths/drum machines/samplers in the chain

then i set up one or multiple midi tracks set to each synth’s midi auto channel and send out transport & clock midi

so far, the digi elektrons have been the best for sequencing all of my gear. even if you are sequencing other elektron instruments, it helps to be able to route your midi controller/keyboard through the syntakt and into that box by quickly selecting it’s dedicated midi channel before entering/playing notes from the keys

i used to route my entire sub mixer into my digitakt, so i could grab quick samples from any audio synth in my setup at any time and run the sub mix through the master compressor and sometimes even a little master reverb. i think i would run syntakt into the ext audio ins of the digitakt. midi wouldnt be as important, you’d just need to send clock and transport. maybe program change for syncing pattern switching

but since digitakt is the best for midi sequencing (if you only need four notes, which is good for you since pro 2 is a monosynth), you’ll want to send midi out from the digitakt with it’s dedicated midi tracks and into the pro2. you can set up multiple tracks with the same pro2 midi channel out for more complex patterns and muting/unmuting for variation. that’s what i would do

that way, you arent wasting any syntakt tracks on midi. if you want to route a keyboard or launchpad or something through the syntakt, into digitakt, and out to pro2 for recording notes/melodies into the dt sequencers; you can go out from the keys into the syntakt and use one track as a midi machine, set to the digitakt’s auto midi in channel. then when you select your midi track which is set to the pro2’s midi in channel, it will send all of that note information from the keys to the pro2, and you can record it into the sequencer of the dt

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