Syntakt as Analog Heat "Lite"

So I’m looking to add some warmth/subtle dirt and perhaps compression to the output of my Octatrack. I’ve been leaning towards an (unobtainable) Oto Boum. I don’t need all the creative features of the Analog Heat, but I’m wondering if the Syntakt could do what I want? Plus I’d get a nice synth and drum machine.

No compressor on the Syntakt (or the heat), besides, the Octatrack already has a lovely compressor, though not much use on the master if you’re not using a master track, I guess.

Also, although I’m a fan of the master filter and distortion on the Syntakt, I wouldn’t want to rely on it as a master effect for everything, I just don’t think it has quite as much mojo or versatility as something like a Heat or a Boum.

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Fair enough, thanks. Regarding the OT compressor on the master track, I’m using it experimentally but really hate that I can’t see visually how much gain reduction I’m getting, and all the other visual thingies I’m used to when using DAW compressors.

Heat or Boum it is, then…

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Yeah, I guess the OT compressor isn’t the most user friendly.

For what you want I’d say a Boum is the way to go, or there’s the stereo version of the platform compressor pedal that EHX do.


Should be an Octatrack topic, no ? :content:
I had Analog Heat, have Syntakt, and Octatrack I’d definitely go Boum. It’s on my wishlist since a long time.

Syntakt Drive gain is too low, you can’t mix dry/wet. Analog Heat distortions are particular and pretty weak to my taste. And they don’t have real compressor.
I much prefer OT compressor than fake stuff.

I have 2 Analog Drive I prefer for distortion purposes.

A Rytm have a real compressor.


Oh so the syntakt headroom is relatively low? I wonder if they designed the box with the analog distortion circuit and the low headroom as a further nod to the M:C

I missed that. Well, possible with Heat, I can give a try with ST, but as there is one limited type of drive and no dry/wet mix, not sure of the result.

You can buy it anyway !

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Low or high ? With internal routing, even with everything set to max, distortion is limited but I didn’t try with external inputs.

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In my own personal experience, p-locked OT Comp + Heat with envelope follower on drive will take you to more controlled, yet interesting places than OT into Syntakt analog fx drive with ST’s analog VCA inverted EG.

Unless you really want those extra synth voices ST gives you, it’s really, really hard to beat the sound of an OT into a Heat.

If you’re okay with software, OT into PA’s Blackbox HG-2 gets damn close.


I’m always chiming in with this, but the a4 is half the cost of the syntakt and u could do a lot more audio processing with the features it has.


The Heat or Boum would both be better options than the Syntakt for that specific purpose.


Even though the analog heat gives you a lot of creative choices, you don’t have to use it all. Using its envelope follower on preset volume or drive is great. You get control over attack and release, base width env filter (basically a side chain circuit), gives you all of the control of a compressor plus saturation. It’s versatile though so you need to know what to aim for. Personally I like the analog heat more for compression duties than octatrack. Because it adds actual analog drive if you want to.

In any case, syntakt has drive plus an inverted amp envelope to cover pseudo compression. So if you have it already, sure. But if you’re looking for more control and real or close to real compression… Heat, baum…