[Syntakt] - Audio Routing Bug - Disabling FX to Main doesn't work

I haven’t dug into the manual yet to see if maybe there’s a reason for this or if it’s a bug, but on the Audio Routing page if you disable sending the FX track to Main, it still comes out of the Main out (and the FX out). The toggle seems to do nothing.

Also, the dedicated Delay/Reverb output does not appear to have anything sent to it so it’s pretty useless, unless again I’ve missed something from the manual.

Has anyone seen this and submitted a ticket for it?

I’m no expert so if this is wrong hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I will correct me …

In the Overbridge “Syntakt Audio Recording” dialog those switches do not affect what is sent to the main mix on the Syntakt. That is taken care of in the Mixer 1, 2, and 3 pages on the Syntakt itself. In Overbridge those switches just select what channels sent by the Syntakt will be recorded when using the stand-alone (non-plugin) version of Overbridge. Inserted as a plugin, all tracks are recorded (or available for recording) regardless of the settings on the Syntakt Audio Recording dialog. At least that is the behavior using Reaper.


I was referring to the settings on the Syntakt itself (under audio routing).