Syntakt BEAST MODE: Performance Macro's Using a Midi Controller

Hey everyone!
I just released a live electro jam on Youtube followed by a breakdown tutorial explaining sound design, programming and unlocking performance macro control using a Faderfox PC4! Absolutely loving this thing :slight_smile:

I will be uploading hardware jams, tutorials (hardware, live, mixing, sound design etc) weekly.


Nice, spotted this on the Gearslutz Syntakt thread.

Are you using the PC4 wth any other Elektron boxes? I’ll watch the video and see how applicable it is to the other devices I have, and if there’s a commentary on why PC4 vs EC4 (pots vs encoders and screen) :slight_smile:

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Hey :slight_smile: I bought the PC4 straight after getting the Syntakt for the job. I was initially going to buy an EC4 for my octa which would be more suited for that. Because Syntakt is mod wheel, breath etc and global, it made more sense to have fixed pots as they remain constant throughout a project. The good news is, you can program the macros completely different for each pattern in a set

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can you midi learn the pots when directly connected to the syntakt?

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One of the most enjoyable Syntakt jams I’ve heard so far :clap:

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…damn…niiiiiiiiice…truu one for the nay sayers…

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Nice jam. Ordered Faderfox after seeing this jam. Was tempted to get one for a while. Surgeon did some session with PC4 and Octa a while back. Great jam. Syntakt is growing on me, was shaping synths for 3 hours straight … this is a box to keep you occupied for years to come.


You could if it was for Syntakt midi cc’s (I think) I know on the Octatrack you can do midi learn for cc pages.


Thank you glad you enjoyed it :pray:

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Definitely! I love mine too, I have a feeling there will be many sonic discoveries with this thing to keep us all occupied!

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Great tutorial, very enjoyable to watch! I used to set up lots of macros on my DN and controlled them via midi loopback using LFOs and p-locks. I’m trying to reduce the amount of gear on my desk to a bare minimum, but you’re really making me consider the faderfox. As you say, it really is a perfect fit for the ST, opens up a lot of possibilities, and really just looks like it’s good fun.

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You will not regret it :beers: I’m the same when it comes to space, I always aim for a small footprint for my desk and live set. PC4 fits the bill for size, weight and number of knobs etc. Picked it up on eBay for just £150! :drum:


Good video and the track sounds ace! I’m also interested in:

I had an EC4 for a bit last year but sold it without getting stuck in really.
IS EC4 maybe preferable for Octa because of the number of encoders, and if using only with OT, OT can send MIDI state back to EC4 so you get matching values on EC4 screen?
I was also thinking of EC4 for rotary control of Rytm macros.

Yeah the EC4 preference was so when changing patterns in a set I could send the values back to EC4 from the octa. The Syntakt setup is a global thing so fixed pots work very well, you always know where they are and they don’t change when you change pattern, I always think fixed are more expressive too as you know exactly how far to twist


This is what I always wanted in DT and DN. I believe only Octatrack can do this though. :frowning:

Hi, I use the EC4 for my pedals. I like it a lot.
IMO one of its best and most unmentioned features is the EC4 Editor

I use the learn method with Octatrack and Hydra, it’s great for mapping hydra parameters for trig locking

Yep, exactly this was my favourite thing with Octatrack

Thanks to the OP for the inspiring video! I have a ST coming and am also looking for a knob controller, probably either the PC4 (in a similar way as demonstrated) or the Midi Fighter Twister.

With a Twister I could use the top 12 encoders for each of the ST instruments, normal operation for mod wheel assignments (going to their respective 4 destinations) and the shift operation for aftertouch assignments (or whatever…)
The bottom 4 encoders I’d use for the DN (that I also have) in a similar way.
The push functionality I would probably use as mutes… I’d do the track levels on the machines themselves.

I appreciate using the PC4 similarly but two knobs per ST instrument… a legit way to go as well. But I’m leaning towards the Twister. Any thoughts?

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If anyone has a pc4 and a digi - help me out.
Assigning parameters between syntakt to pc4 is working but if I change tracks the knob assignment on the pc4 targets whatever track I’m on. So if I assign a kicks filter into the pc4 and then change tracks on the syntakt - whatever track I’m on is Controlling that tracks filter.

Another few questions:
Can you assign multiple parameters to one knob on the pc4 over multiple tracks? I would love to have one knob that controls 4 tracks filters simultaneously.

I have noticed i cannot assign fx bus filter frequency to the pc4 - anyone have a work around? You can’t control the fx bus via the internal breath controller either so I’m thinking that’s a very real limitation and not my ignorance dealing with the pc4!
