Syntakt Control All lag/latency?

Hello, just got a Syntakt due to the sale and the first thing I noticed is that whenever I use Control All there is a noticeable amount of latency on the screen when changing a parameter compared to when I change the parameter without Controll All.

Is this a known issue with all Syntakts? Possibility to be fixed in the future with an update? Or do I have a faulty unit?

I’m running OS 1.20 btw

Update: I thought it might be the new firmware so I tried a Factory Reset and an Empty reset to try and get it back to OS 1.01 that it came with but it didn’t work. The OS remains at 1.20 and all the factory patterns are still there even after the Empy Reset.

I recall the Factory Reset downgrading the OS on my Digitone when I had issues troubleshooting it, it’s supposed to downgrade the OS to the factory default, right? I’m pretty sure the Empty Reset is supposed to wipe the factory patterns, this is actually more concerning than the original issue.

Does this mean something is wrong with my device and I should either contact the retailer to get a new one sent to me or contact Elektron support?


It’s always OK to contact Elektron support to ask them for advice.

it’s sounding to me more like that you have a MIDI connection loop or similar - does it do this standalone with no USB/MIDI connections ?

you probably have to unlock those patterns first

Yes, the Control All lag happens when I use the device standalone, not connected to any other device or the computer.

Gotcha, I didn’t know I had to unlock the factory patterns for the Empty Reset to work. It’s weird that even the patterns I created are still there after both resets though.

That sounds odd

It’s not enough to make to device unusable, but it is definitely noticeable that when I change the filter in Control All the screen really doesn’t track the movements as smoothly as it does when changing it per track. It kind of discourages me from using Control All, which is pretty bad since its the main performance feature of these boxes. I didn’t know if this is common or if its an issue with my device.

Edit: it lags on all parameters, but its the most noticeable on the filer cutoff.

I just wanted to add the response from Elektron support in case anyone else is experiencing this issue as well. I ended up sending them a video of me changing a parameter on a per track basis versus changing it using Control All. They were able to confirm the subtle UI lag on their reference unit and assured me that my device wasn’t defective. I hope they are able to fix the issue in a future update.