Syntakt - Copy Banks or Pattern in another Project

Hi. The Syntakt is almost new to me. Is it possible to copy banks to another project to reorganize my Liveset. How is your workflow? Thanks.

Yes you can do that. I use one project to create lots of different patterns, jams etc. then if I want to create a song with one of those patterns I copy it to a new project.

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As far as I know it is not possible to copy-paste entire banks to another project. You can copy-paste patterns though.

I structure my patterns as follows for live sets: 1 project where I create all of my patterns. I use 2 patterns for each track (e.g. A01, A02), so I can create 8 tracks per bank or 64 tracks in one project which is plenty. I structure banks according to energy level (e.g. A = ambient / intro, B = percussive/warm-up, etc). The second pattern is used as fallback version of the pattern I’m working on. So let’s say I’m working on pattern C05, I’ll often copy-paste that pattern to C06 as a backup. On this backup version I will also use pattern mutes to create an “initial state” of the track. So when I bring in the track during a live set, only some elements are active and I can un-mute the rest later.

Side note: You can copy-paste a lot of things on the syntakt: Track sound, trig sequence, LFO parameters, etc. This really speeds up your workflow :+1:


Imagine a (PC/Mac) companion app that allowed you to pick Songs from various projects and build that into a new combined project in prep for a live set where it automatically copied over all the relevant Patterns used in each song and placed them sequentially from A1 to H16. That would be sweet.


That would be sweet indeed! Referring to the recent Elektron survey: It would also be dreamy to have software versions of the syntakt, digitone, etc so that you can tweak the projects in your DAW and then sync it back to the device. That way you can work on your tracks at any time :sparkles: (though not sure if that’s a good thing ;-))


I recently consolidated some favorites from across a few projects … and the tedium of copying patterns and switching projects 2 dozen times made me revise my workflow.

I think everyone does something different, but now when a project fills up, I make a copy of it, and in that copy I cluster my favorite material in the later banks, and erase any drafts, and then have banks a-e or so to work with, just because moving patterns within a project is so much easier.

Then for creating a longer set, either selecting patterns to put in the early banks of another new copy, or song mode, which can be a useful way to get away from remembering, swapping between, or reordering patterns within a project…

I too would love to have file-level control of patterns in the same way sounds work in Transfer…


Nothing is on the way to transfer directly an entire bank ?
What would be the technical issues for Elektron to implement that possibility ?
When you use 16 patterns in each bank to make a full song, having an easy switching possibility to an other project would be a must have.

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We really need something for this. I’m doing a new live set soon and I’m dreading the prospect of the hours I will have to spend endlessly iterating load project, copy pattern, load project, paste pattern, load project, copy pattern, … Hours because all the material is scattered across several workspace projects, and I’ll have to be constantly cross-referencing my notes to not make a hash of it.

I had this very same problem when trying to use DN for a live set. Loved the stuff I was making with it but it was scattered across several projects with no easy way to combine into one. Ultimately this made the DN much less useful for me and I moved it along (for other reasons too).

But I really believe that an Elk Herd-like software solution is needed for both DN and ST as well. Otherwise it feels like the potential of these boxes, especially in a long, continuous playing environment like a live show, is brutally diminished.

I would love to see this change in the future and it would make me reconsider several of the Elektron boxes tbh.