Syntakt drums

I’m curious if the drum sounds have acoustic models too… or similar.
Especially the snares.
I’m doing mostly chillout, trip-hop, hip-hop, boom-bap stuff and I mainly use that kind of drums.

Do you guys think those type of sounds are achievable?

I’ve heard a few in Andrew Huang and Loopop’s videos but most demos are like boom-tsss-chhh… FM type of drums :smiley:


You can get close but for these kind of sounds samples work way better imo. I tried it and i can dial in enough drum sounds that aren’t too electronic sounding. But it takes some work to get out of the clean synthetic drum ballpark. At least for me. Maybe there are some tricks to find out though.

Try some bitcrushing on the snare, but subtle.

I don\t necessarily want them super acoustic, but not those “pff-pff” noisy type of snares :smiley:

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There’s this jazzy demo pattern, Nefertiti…

I find it acoustic enough.

Yes, there are many options for snares as well as cymbals. Hats are more tricky, but in a mix even sone basic noise is ok. And here again you have many options to manipulate this.

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Yeah I was focusing mainly on snares. Kicks sound pretty dope on Syntakt and hihats too.
That Loopop demo sounds like a brushed snare but not my cup of tea.

I guess I shall wait for mine to arrive and test out

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Out of curiosity I checked the snare machnies … here a very rough impression from me …

  • SY SD Basic can mix some sound to the “pfft”, which reminds me on pitched bongos, it also is sensitive to the “Inharmonics” and “Mod+Feedback” and “Modulation” parameters. The sound can be even melodic, if this makes any sense … :thinking:
  • SY SD Vintage comes IMO close to some “samples”. It also provides some pitch, if wanted. With some overdrive and reverb … very useful IMO
  • SD Natural also provides a wooden-melodic part beside the “pffft”. Both have a separate AD envelope and can be mixed/balanced.

IMO there are many options to tweak the SD sounds on the analoge and digital machines … very versatile … maybe there is something for you also …

The SD Vintage is what I liked too

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I’ve not tested all of them in depth, but I got the empression that most of the percussive synth engines can be used for melodic ideas as well, even if not supposed to in the first place. I found a couple of unexpected sweet spots.