Syntakt Effects

Hey, with all Elektron devices it was so far that all machines were controlled in one effect, i.e. delay and reverb with only one setting for all machines. Did I understand correctly that Syntakt now has this part separately, so all machines have their own delay and reverb?

No, ST effects are still send effects. What separates the ST from the other Digi boxes is that there is a dedicated effects track, which lets you modulate/Plock settings for the global effects. So, for example, if you want to put an LFO on the feedback rate for the delay you can do that. Or PLock the reverb time, etc. It also has additional optional routing for passing selected tracks of your choice (and external inputs) through a master analog effects process, including an analog filter.


One aspect of ST analog fx that interests me is the natural “glue” compression that often comes from a drive or other analog circuit when engaged. I’ve been hearing quite a few raw unprocessed ST tracks that seem to have better than usual cohesion and possess that certain oomph often reserved for more finished tracks.

As much as I’d like to have a dedicated master compressor as part of the ST effects chain (especially with good sidechain support), I get the sense that some tasty use of the master analog fx will go a long way toward gluing the music together.

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yeah i’ve had mine for a handful of days and I can confirm that the analog fxs block is great glue.