Syntakt - fat MIDI chords

I just purchased a Syntakt (my first Elektron device) and am loving it.
As a workaround for the 4-note MIDI limit, I’m trying to send two MIDI chords from two tracks (3 and 4) to the same monotimbral Hydrasynth, which is connected to the audio ins . Each track is set to the same channel (2). When I press the track trig I hear the root and can even press the two track trigs and hear both roots. But playing the pattern, I’m not hearing anything. I did get it to work once, so I might have messed up routing somehow. Anyone else tried this?

I believe I read in the Syntakt firmware update release notes from just a day or two ago that this was a bug and was addressed. Have you updated in the past few days?

EDIT: didn’t read the correctly the first time, but think the root only not all 4 notes being sent on trig preview or something like that was addressed. In any case, if you haven’t I’d update and see?

I have your scenario working:

  • Syntakt midi out to my synth midi in (rev2).
  • Synth receive channel 2
  • Syntakt track 3: 4 notes assigned and sending on channel 2
  • Syntakt track 4: 4 other notes assigned and sending on channel 2
  • Place trigs on track 3 and 4
  • Hit play

The fact that you can hear the roots when you press both buttons means your MIDI setup should be OK. As @dreamsaremaps noted, make sure to update to version 1.10. That should allow you to hear all the notes when previewing.

Some things to try:

  • Make sure you’ve placed the trigs on the sequencer (go to grid recording mode and set both tracks to have a trig on the first step to test it)
  • Make sure the tracks aren’t muted. They’ll still audition when they’re muted if you hit the track buttons
  • Make sure the TRIG page has “PROB” set to 100% to ensure that’s not the issue

Thanks everyone! I had in fact inadvertently muted the tracks. After the upgrade, the preview and playback are working fine.