Syntakt filter on input/external gear

So I was asking on Reddit (couldnt log in here for some reasons) and apparently you can use the Syntakt filter on signal coming in its input ?

Is that true ? Can you trigger the envelop of the filter with external gear too ?

You can definitely filter incoming signals, I’ve used it as a phaser/chorus for Nymphes.

Triggering the filter envelope hadn’t occurred to me, cool idea. I think it’s possible in theory—you’d need to send a midi note on the FX block’s midi channel (if controlling both ST and a synth with a controller, set them both to the same midi channel), turn off the amp ducking that’s on by default on the channel.

Anyone else tried this? Might be a day or two before I can see if it works.

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Yeah works for sure. I have a keystep sending midi to the syntakt and external synth (Typhon in my case)
Set the synth and ST fx block to the same midi channel and you will be triggering and filter and/or amp envelopes (toggles for each on the TRIG page) on the FX block, while also triggering midi notes on the synth


Yeah because my Minilogue XD has very little filter env capabilities which annoys me a lot.

I wanted to find a good synth that could fix that and was thinking about the Poly D first.

Really cool, this syntakt filter is analogic ?

So to resume I could get 2 Minilogue XD (chained for the 8 note polyphony) in the inputs and got my Keystep playing them while triggering the syntakt filter (via Midi and/or CV ?) ?

Yup! I think their are around 10 different modes
Full adsr control on the envelope, so you can really shape it

Just keep in mind you will have to use midi notes going into the syntakt to trigger it
Or just sequence it in the sequencer.
The FX block has its own sequencer track that is the same as the rest of the digi line


Other question : can the filter works ONLY on the inputs ?

“10 different modes”

“The FX block has its own sequencer track that is the same as the rest of the digi line”

It’s quite incredible.


Yes, though the FX block (drive/amp/filter) filters everything that is routed into it. The reverb and delay have a number of routing options so other tracks could go to those if just the external inputs are routed to the FX block.

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