Syntakt FR Noise

I guess, it could be nice if every channel on the ST could have it’s own output, but as with the DN keys, wouldn’t fit in a DigiSized box.
Maybe could be done with mini outputs instead of regular? 16/24 additional mono outputs still would be a very tight tight fit. A wild guess (since we are all just fantasizing about additional features and not dissing the fabulous new SynTakt) those modular guys and gals would probably like cv?

Wondering about the hardware, anyone looked inside yet?

D Sub connection ?


Everyday i learn something new :slight_smile:
That could do the trick!

This isn’t a knock because I thought the same thing as a practical answer to the question, but can we take a moment to appreciate how hilarious the idea of a groove box with dsub connections is?

I’m also kinda low-key disappointed there’s not more use of adat on things like this, small mixers and multitrack recorders. I don’t know too much about how it works, but when a lot of these things already have AD/DA built in it seems pretty straightforward to tap into the digital side. Also not like it’s that expensive - you can get adat in on $300 interfaces, and 8 channel preamps for similar… stupid cables/ connectors though.


Not if it’s for an external cathode ray tube display

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It’s not out yet and you want things not advertised on the tin.

Please…stop perpetuating this idea of ‘updates’. It’s a terrible business model in general. Like…imagine you buy a car, you get it and then are like, ‘yo, the dealership should change my manual transmition to automatic’.

No, just buy the model with automatic…if that’s what you want, buy it. Don’t expect a good result from modifying the thing after you bought it with what it has…and don’t expect that for free, either…and don’t force the changes on people who DID buy it as is.


#cultofupdates is cancer on consumers and manufacturers.



Just curious if I’m wrong but I was under the impression that Elektron is kinda famous for being the company who listens to its customers and adds features to existing products for years after release.

Edit; changing manual to auto isn’t the best analogy imo, cars get recalls though all the time.

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I could actually make use of that….

You’re taking it way too seriously. Just grab the popcorn and have a giggle at our expense.

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each of the analog VCOs to have chord mode, ideally up to 6 notes per VCO

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I’m glad you recognize when you buy something and it changes after you buy it in any other product, it is, indeed, called a recall and they are bad. Only computer-based products make people think constant ‘recalls’ are a good thing.

Of course there’s a difference between software and hardware. All serious software companies update their software post-launch. Tesla, Volvo, Kia, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Akai, Roland, Elektron.

To expect anything less today, especially from companies with a track record of big, useful updates (like the latest Digitakt firmware update) would be rather strange.


Each analog oscillator can only produce one frequency at a time.

Theoretically they could patch it so you could link all 3 dual VCO’s for a single 6 voice synth but that’s a Hail Mary type request.


Not sure if this thread is the best to ask this question, but it didn’t seem like it merited it’s own thread:

Ok, in the Syntakt manual page 61 it says

12.6 AMP PAGE 1

To prevent an audio feedback loop, the DEL and REV parameters are disabled when the delay and reverb respectively are routed in to the Analog FX.

So, does this mean the “Reverb Send” parameter on the delay itself is at times disabled, depending on the specific routing setup to/from the Analog FX ?


i feel like they could do this through a firmware update though. so that each VCO can play 5 or 6 note chords

If you’re not using every track just clone the one you want to add chorus to and modulate pre-delay (or +micro time shift) and pitch too if you want to get really wet. You gotchyaself real analogue chorus. Obviously limited, not Global.

?is there pre-delay on ST Envelops? must look again.


It’s a little tricky to design a firmware update for a hardware circuit.


Ok, well maybe my analogy was bad too bc a recall is only for the physical side. However, the online computers in modern cars are constantly updated. Hell, windows 11 is updated so much that ppl hate it. There are coffee machines now that get regular updates.
Of course computer software is updated regularly. If anything, I’d say it was damn near nonsense to NOT expect updates and revisions of any product with a chip in it, in this day and age.

All that said, the ST seems quite capable and nice as it is upon launch. But there are many things that can added to make it even better and since it’s the most expensive square box they sell, I don’t think it’s asking much to make requests. They aren’t demands, :joy:

Edit; djst said all this already, just read it lol

For rectangular-prism values of “square”

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