Syntakt - how does A09 preset work? / & 5 bar length

Hi all, preset A09 has a synth solo ie no drums in the background, for the first half - then the drums come for the next half, but what is confusing me is it then only loops around the drum section, not the full section with that synth solo in it…

How does it do that!? I feel like i’m not understanding pages / scale

Also - was wondering how i would make a 5 bar loop? I can seemingly make a 6, but i’m struggling with 5.

any help very much appreciated.

…dunno…but fascinating, innit ?

some still say, that sequencer must evolve… :wink:

always lot’s to learn, if we only dig a little deeper…

don’t have the st yet…but give individual track length, individual track measures, overall pattern play max length and ALL it’s corrosponding conditional trigs inner layout a second thought while it’s running and playing it’s tricks…somewhere there, u’ll find all the answers…

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I don’t have an ST but it’s achievable on the DT by using the -1 Conditional trig. Basically it doesn’t play the trig the first cycle of the sequence.