Syntakt Keyboard stuck on

Hi, sorry - new Syntakt owner here. I can’t get the keyboard option off!! I press func+track and it was toggling but now it’s stuck fast. Anyone had this issue?? Thx!

Is there a difference with long press ?

No not really…the screen changes from the keyboard info page back to the regular page, but the keyboard is still enabled! Weird!

So keyboard is now on permanently! No amount of func+track will shift it! A reboot/format/reset makes no difference!

Guess I’ll contact support.

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Did you test buttons independently in test mode ? (Hold Func while powering, then press Trig one).

Yeah all buttons are fine. Just can’t get the keyboard off! Annoying!

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Newbie here, also w same problem.

I spoke with support and it appears you have to toggle it really, really quickly…and it works…

“ We have seen other reports and understand that this interaction can be confusing. We are looking into how we can improve it for a future update.”

Super-fast fingers needed!

Ahhh yes, that is the answer.
Thank you Adam_Acid and the E Support Team!
I was bumping up to the end of my return period, now it looks like the ST is staying put.


Same for me : it is not easy to turn off the keyboard. I need to try many times the “func+track” keys combo" then it turns off.
I hope Elektron will find a easier way to turn it on and off (especially “off”)