Syntakt + Launchpad Pro?

Anyone using a Syntakt with a Novation Launchpad Pro? It would be cool to set up a custom mode with pads mapped to to multiple drum tracks, enabling an Ableton Drum Rack kind of interface.

I just got the Launchpad but if I figure something out that works I’ll be sure to share it.

I remember seeing this video a while back with the DT. May not be exactly what you are looking for, but may give some ideas.

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I’ve mostly put this project to bed to focus on making my own devices, but as I made a custom firmware for Digitakt, I naturally brought it back out and tried it with my new Syntakt.
(Let’s preface with: Not the Pro Mk3… Mk2 and Mk1 only have the custom firmware ability…well, there is some deeper hacking afoot but let’s stay out of that for now)

This should be a good intro to the offerings from DigiPad and I’ve tested it a bit with Syntakt… It does work…could use some expansion because of 12 tracks, not 8…but the Mutes already work great as there are 16 made available. The 8 white pads on the bottom left will access all 8 of the digital tracks by default. the Performance Macros (like on Rytm) work but they should be retuned to the Midi CCs most needed by Syntakt.

i use my launchpad pro as a keyboard with all my synths. not for drums though, i just set the auto channel to match the incoming midi data from the launchpad note/scale mode and record sequences into the tracks that way. works well for midi tracks too, the same as i imagine a keystep would

i believe drum seq mode on the lppmk3 send a different channel to each pad? i do remember using my old launchpad to trigger samples on the octa after the 1.04 update

…it will do all kinds amazing stuff, with even the most ordinary midi controler of any kind…

if u already have a launchpad pro, then fine…if u think about getting one, i’m pretty convinced the mini version of it will do even better, end of the day…

This was my desk yesterday.

I’m liking the LPP alongside the Syntakt, and really like it with the Digitone.
I don’t mind playing regular keys, but the Chord mode on the LPP is amazing.

Someone kindly posted an Ableton rack for the Syntakt, and using that made the 12 tracks make more sense to me… essentially it’s 3x 4 tracks…

4x Digi Drums,
4x Digi Melodics,
4x Analog voices (kick, snare, bass, hats).

Obviously it’s flexible, but that’s how I’m defaulting to it. Having it on 3 lines of 4 pads on the LPP or Push 2 works great.

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Really interesting, I also have it paired with a DN.

Do you use the LPP’s drum mode, then? Did it require a custom mode or can you easily map a 3x4 grid to arbitrary ST tracks?

Also, have you figured out a good flow to easily switch the LPP to provide midi into the DN vs the ST? I’ve tried running it Midi Through and setting up different receiving auto channels across the 2 devices, but it didn’t work as well as I expected.

Used it extensively with the DN, it was great with the chord mode, and of course scale mode. With The fold mode and a lack of polyphony on the ST, I don’t think I’d bother for standalone use. When hooked up in my studio, it will be sync’d to my Akai Force, so it won’t matter.