Syntakt Midi Capabilites


So I am new to elektron and ive just started using my syntakt with my DAW (Ableton) and im yet to figure out a way of making overbridge control any syntakt channel other than the first one.

I would ideally like to program midi that controls any channel on syntakt, is there a way of doing this?

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Yes, you can address different MIDI channels from your daw to different tracks on the Syntakt. It’s the Settings > MIDI Config > Channels submenu, described in 14.4.3 of the manual. It’s quite flexible. “Auto channel” in that list is a channel that will control the currently active track on Syntakt. Welcome, and good luck!


I’ll add send midi notes on channel 1 first, to check if midi routing is ok.
You can trigger all tracks with notes 0-11.
Above 12, you get a per track/channel chromatic behavior.

I don’t know much about Ableton and Overbridge, I don’t use them.
(I know midi in general and Elektron gear).


It has been a while, but I believe my workaround was to use an “External Instrument” device in a separate midi track to send on a given channel to the Overbridge track.

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