Syntakt Midi changing Notes of Pattern within music scale

hi, anyone know of a way to change the root note of an already recorded Midi pattern?
I recorded a pattern from the Keyboard with LYDIAN SCALE, root of F#. I copied the pattern to a new pattern slot and I want to transpose the entire baseline to D# ( -3 semitones), conformed within that same scale.
Is that possible? and how do you guys deal with changing a patterns notes? surely not note-by-note?


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Hi and welcome! You can use the tuning parameter on the synth page to transpose a number of steps, but it’s not quantized to scale (it’d be D# Lydian rather than Dorian, that is). You can also change the note entered on multiple trigs at once (hold down the trigs, and on the trig page, change the parameter for the note) if you want to enter more notes, and page by page that might work pretty quickly. Again, it’s not quantized to scale, though.

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hi, oh ok. I will try that. I presume a thousand people have been asking Elektron to implement scale quantizing across all pages/record modes. No Elektron machines have this ability to stay within a scale, no matter if you use keyboard or TRIG page to change midi notes? !

Octatrack can transpose and quantize to a scale recorded notes or arpegiated ones.


Not sure how often you would want to scale quantize :face_with_monocle:

When you set a random lfo on notes…:content:


I’d find this really useful, I think it has been asked for a lot. I’m yet to find out if other Elektrons have it. I guess if they do it is something that might be added? you would also be able to use it in a similar way to the Beat Step Pro, where you could live jam by holding down a trig/s and turn the encoder and know you will always be in tune.
The OPZ has a track called the master track where it works out what key you are in and you are able to transpose all the tracks (you can also select which tracks aren’t affected) up and down against chords - it really adds a lot of melodic interest and happy accidents. I think the OPZ has nicked a lot of ideas off the Elektron machines but it also has some clever ideas of its own.

This would be doubly amazing - almost modular generative territory…

For midi sequencing, I have the Polyend Play, S2400, along with the Syntakt.
S2400 has no musical scale ( that really sucks).
Polyend Play conforms entirely to a midi scale for everything ( including a big selection of Chords ). And you can randomize notes within an octave or 2 of that scale/root note.
You can also Transpose all tracks to any root note and save that as a new pattern.
Plus easily move/offset, individual or groups of notes at once. it has different tracks lengths and playback speeds and playback direction/groove patterns.
It has all the Trig conditions Elektron has, Parameter Locks, randomize Filter CC, Randomize Humanization of Quantize, Randomize velocity, create a drum pattern in 2 seconds with any genre of music (Kick/Snare/Hihat - only drum genre style patterns). Eucludian Sequence or random fill Notes etc… and any Note can be any midi channel on any track… ( same as the samples). But then… why am I not using it for everything else, other than Chords?
Good question… Probably because there are NO (audio or midi) LFO/Envelopes in Midi data ( including midi CC). The Audio Sampler has no filter/amp envelopes, making it useless if your not DaftPunk. And the Audio engine only plays Mono 16bit 44.1 non-looping Wavs.
But the OS is 1.1. So there is hope. So yeah it’s actually WAY BETTER than any Elektron Sequencer and way faster to use.
It also runs only on 1 amp USB C. so you can load up gigs of (C note based Samples and drums) and write music on a train or a plane or in the country with a power brick…

Yet why do I keep on trying to use Elektron to sequence Midi? I think it just feels like I have more control over the details because its organized into Menu sections/Tracks etc…

But ELEKTRON, implement CONFORM TO MIDI SCALE in all your hardware, no excuse now not too. As Polyend Play is 100% affect your sales now.