Syntakt purely as an effects unit

After having hands on experience with the Syntakt, and watching many a tutorial, I’ve decided it’s not the groove box for me. I’m not particularly crazy about the sound palette or the very macro feeling “machines”, and I would rather just use my Digitakt or something simple like a 606 for drums. So be it.

However I’m curious about people’s experience with the ST as an effects unit for other gear. The ability to step lock and sequence delay, reverb, distortion and analog filter for an external synth seems like a REALLY cool feature that I don’t see talked about very often.

I know you can use the Digitakt or Digitone to apply reverb and delay to external gear as well, but it’s basically just on or off and not step specific, if I’m understanding correctly. Any insight appreciated.

I’m making Dub Techno. The chords from the Digitone go straight into the Syntakt’s FX block. There I apply a bandpass filter that I modulate with the syntakt LFO. I like to modulate the bandpass filter with a random LFO so the dub chords sound different every time (on top of filter mods in the Digitone). Next I add an extra layer of delay and reverb on top of the chords that most of the time already have delay and reverb added in the Digitone. Then I crank up the analog drive on the FX block. Last, but not least I use the amp envelope to create a light ducking effect on the incoming audio from the Digitone. All in all, that’s a lot of FX processing done by the Syntakt.

Next to this I use the Syntaktt for ambient and atmos sounds. The Syntakt is great at that. Crackle, noise, static stuff. Weird shapes in the background. Especially the analog part of the Syntakt.

I found the Syntakt / Digitone an ideal Dub Techno combo. I just recently put them together for this purpose and I never felt I needed more FX. I’m really happy with the Syntakt. It’s a multi purpose machine that delivers unique sounds.

Here’s my dub techno example.


This sounds amazing, what a cool use of the Syntakt!


Nice dub!

@SouvlakiPlaystation you might find some inspiration in this thread? Syntakt FX Scenes + Techniques

I think the ST’s FX block is great, but it’s very much a build-your-own-FX unit: chorus, phaser, scatter, delay pitch changes, resonator, and atmospheric stuff (repitching the reverb with pre-delay), etc etc … are all possible with the building blocks, but they don’t give you a list of 40 effects like on the SP-404mk2.


Amazing - thank you! Reading this I gather you can apply effects to external gear on specific steps?

For instance have it so the Syntakt’s reverb only hits your external synth on step 4, or the filter has a HP effect that only happens on step 6? Again I don’t think the Digitone or Digitakt can do that (basically you can just manually turn reverb or delay up or down and you can’t run your synth through their filter either) unless I’m mistaken.

Right, you can sequence all Ext In settings and sends, plus Reverb, Delay, FX filter, drive, amp, and 2 LFOs parameters with the full power of the Elektron sequencer—with trigs set to 0% for punch-in, or at 1/8 speed for sequencing fx for a song section, etc, etc. Gated reverb, etc,

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This is my experience exactly, it’s such a versatile combination in both directions. I’ve been considering setting up the ST as a send from my mixer for fx and I already have the sub mix sent to the DT so I can resample from the board. The distortion and band pass filters on the ST fx track open up so many possibilities.

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This set was such a banger. Amazing what is possible just with those machines. You should keep on this stuff.

Also, loved the pottery and plant backdrops.


I’m glad my dim witted “how do I make box do sounds” thread could at least house something this nice. Keep up the good work.


thanks! yeah, the pottery and plant I created with Midjourney image generation.