Syntakt Randomization Discussion

I have a few thoughts about randomization on the Syntakt and wanted to start a topic. It would be interesting to hear other users thoughts and maybe share some ideas etc.

  1. The randomize parameter page is a very cool feature! I love to use it. It can spark creativity and is often surprising (in a good way)

  2. I would love to see more control over the randomize parameters feature. For example the ability to exclude parameters from the randomization would be very useful.

  3. I find the randomization of the LFO page to be almost completely useless. I had hoped it would generate interesting ideas, but the random mod destinations mostly result in nothing good.

  4. Is there a way to randomize a sequence? I couldn’t find anything in the manual, but maybe there is a way.

  5. LFO set to random shape with hold mode creates a new random value at the start of each note on and holds it until the next note. Very cool.

  6. I am new to Elektron so any tips or advice regarding randomization, please share.


I’m excited too! I ordered one this morning and I’m really looking forward to using it. The sounds I’ve heard are very impressive to me and as a Model:Cycles user I feel like I’ll be home with this.

There’s not a way to randomize sequence per se, but you can set a chance that a trig is played which can be fun for ambient sounds, breakdowns, or just some variety.

That sounds fun too. Done similar with the MC LFOs and it’s a great way to have evolving or surprising sounds.

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