Syntakt Scales & Micro-Tuning

Dear Elektron Engineer & Sound designers.

I really want to thank you for your product design although I have some remarks as a sound designer and Engineer for a machine like the Syntakt I would like to raise some topics that we need to discuss really.
first of them is the scales :

It will be really great if we could create via a software our one scales, and also it will be great to have micro tuning on this machine. ( you could tell me you could work it around with track tuning and param locks etc … ) but I think it will be great for a machine with that price to have more customization options via software really I think you need to work on that or at least open up your platform for engineers and sound designers that could improve with you the machine.

I will come later to the Sound Synthesis engines or “Machines” as you cll them specially the physical Modelling synthesis.

All the Best
Omar Karray


Yes, additionnal custom scales.

Microtiming seems more difficult to implement, but it is possible to change tuning of specific notes with a midi processor between an instrument and Syntakt.

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hi thank you for your reply. in fact there is different ways to play microtonal scales I share with you this tool to implement and play microtonal scales with specific sequencer
CTM 2021: »Repressed Possibilities – An Introduction to Apotome« by Khyam Allami - YouTube and it’s creator Khyam Allami presenting it.
this method is using Pitch Bend midi .
On Modular in general it is just a voltage with Shift Register like the Ornament and crime modules.

on the Korg Minilogue XD you could define a custom scale and micro-tune each note on the scale + or - 50ct

My idea is to have the micro tuning on the Synthakt directly like the Korg Minilogue XD
and this will really match what @Elektron says New sounds from new place, micro tuning will open up a new possibilities to craft new tonal sounds on groove boxes like that.

(@sezare56 why you think it will be hard to implement it ). @Elektron engineers could you tell us more about those limits ? really just want to know will it compromise the performances of the syntakt ?

All the Best
Omar Karray

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With the Syntakt, you can’t record pitchbend in audio tracks, so you’d need to use a midi processor mapping notes with Tune parameter offsets, with NRPN resolution I think.

The microtuning was also asked for Analog Four since a few years. I don’t think it will be a prority, but who knows…

There is microtuning on the Micromonsta 2 iirc.

I’m not using microtonal scales, I’m already happy they implemented new scales on Syntakt.

@sezare56 thank your for your reply, now a lot of hardware is implementing microtuning, I open that thread to have a discussion with @Elektron engineers and interested people on how this could be designed on a Syntakt. for sure having scales on the Syntakt is great but being able to create a custom scale that goes equal temperament tuning will be a great addition to this groovebox !

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AFAIK they don’t answer with that name quote. Maybe @_Niko may shime in ?

There is a topic for feature requests they probably read, and a specific mail :


Yes! I don’t have a Syntakt, but this is my one pet peeve with Elektron machines. Only the two standard major and minor scales in the arps of OT and A4/AK. And no built-in way to create and save your own microtonal scales.

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