Syntakt standalone music

Listening to this I think you may be right.

@srejv this was your post, do you remember what machine makes the sound like a hollow tube on the first track … comes in at about 0:08 ?

That would be very welcome, particularly (for me) if you highlighted the new machines, and stuff that takes you beyond what the M:C machines can do, like proper ADSR envelopes on SY TONE, etc. Videos so far on youtube concentrate mostly on the machines, less on the amp and filter pages.

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Here is a little chill morning jam using 6 digital tracks with sy toy. No sound-locks, just jamming and using the filters and LFOs for movement.
The phaser effect in the end is done by routing all the tracks + effects through the fx block and sweeping the double notch filter.
Toy is made to do physically inspired “tuned percussion” sounds, like marimba, vibraphone, plucked string + other fun stuff :slightly_smiling_face:.


Thank you for sharing this, that sounds really awesome!

This could be used “as is” as a theme tune for the olympics or other big event :slight_smile:

I like it.
Is the bass on the first one coming from the DVCO or is it FM?

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I’m pretty sure he’s on the forum somewhere, but can’t find his user, so can’t tag him :confused:

But Andreas Tilliander strikes again, with probably the best demo of the Syntakt so far, but genre fits right down my alley so I’m probably a bit biased.

Recorded straight from the outputs of the Elektron Syntakt.
This is not a demo of the synth though. I used very few channels and didn’t use all the synth engines either. Just a quick jam. My first session with the Syntakt.


It’s SY TOY, like @_Niko said. I even think it’s the default sound or very close to it. :sweat_smile:


I’m not very good at handling the DVCO, pretty sure it’s the SY TONE machine.
I have unfortunately lost these patterns so I can’t be certain. :sweat:

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Im stoked it sounds this good over the net. Cant wait to plug it into my mixer!


SY TOY seems to me like the most interesting machine on the device… can’t wait to explore it… great sounds, I like your jam a lot!


Genius. :drooling_face:

Thanks! I hope you will like it and I am sure you can do much more interesting things than what I did in my sleepy morning jam :slightly_smiling_face:


The second song is really nice, well done. like a c64 come alive again. Impressive.

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You’re not kidding. My first thought on hearing that was that if the model:cycles had only ‘SY TOY’ as a machine, I might still have bought it.

syntakt only!
it is out stock now😩

after Overexcited sleepless night of reading manual and browse YouTube.
now i m calm down,sat back to my ancient Trinity…

Here’s a new track I created with just the Syntakt. It has a mesmerizing drone that seems to keep on evolving forever. Enjoy


6.06 :wink:

Very nice! How are you getting the lead part?

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Syntakt. Some light post limiting.
BD Modern kick
UT Noise hat
3x Dual VCO to make the synth chord.
PC Carbon sub bass comes in later.

Only Dual VCO voices going through analog fx block (mostly just the analog filter). :headphones:


If we start getting treated to more demos like this when more people start getting their hands on a Syntakt then it’s going to be very hard to keep my very wobbly resistance to hitting the buy now button in check.