Syntakt standalone music

With sy toy :slight_smile: I like to use it for glockenspiel-like sounds and modulating tune a little… When using it with the ADSR envelope, it can also act as a nice (and also quite weird with some settings) oscillator…


I sometimes wonder if VoltageCtrlR is a forum member here


Some hollow 303 sounds. I enjoy using FX block to let the accented notes come out slightly distorted. Square is emulated with distorted VCO sine.


He is. :wink:


Nice. Always liked the mod bap stuff he comes up with. I imagine he’s enjoying the Syntakt.

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I usually wouldn’t care, just stumbled across his channel because of his latest posts about Analog Four as a drum machine. Those are really impressive.

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That bassline sounds really good, thanks for sharing. The diversity of the sound palette of the Syntakt has so much potential!


Cross posting here, but I figure people might be curious. Here’s my first jam with the Syntakt -


Love it, but it’s very different! Cannot remember the last easy danceable song I heard from you, if ever!


Thanks. Yeah, it’s not my style so I’m really struggling with it, but I enjoy the struggle.

I did more upbeat stuff before, but I wasn’t any good at it, so turned to the more slow burning stuff I make now.

But this is a nice change of pace. Kind of a vacation from myself.


Not really new, since it is in the factory content (pattern A07) but maybe could be interesting to show a bit of “polyphony”.

Tracks 1 to 7 are using SY TONE with a keyboard patch in a round-robin fashion. To get it more into a coherent stereo sound I routed the whole package to the Analog FX Block, where one LFO sweeps a notch filter frequency somewhat and the other takes care of the amp panning.
Track 8 is a background SY CHORD for some slight alternative harmonies as well as sound locked SY BITS and SY TOY for some chiptuney bleep details.
Track 9 handles soundlocked analog kick and snare plus some other percussive things
Track 10 is the lead (SY DUAL VCO)
Track 11 is the bass (SY DUAL VCO as well)
Track 12 is the hihat (CY CLASSIC) with some plocks.


one of my favourite ones that. Real squarepusher feel off the chord progressions, melody n bass line. beautiful stuff.

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That’s gorgeous.

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He is

Thanks for the informative breakdown! Could you please expand a bit on your workflow for these tracks?

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awesome 303 on Syntakt! :point_down:


I am happy to delete if this is for forum users only, but maybe worth posting the official Elektron SoundCloud playlist - loaded with inspirational productions


…sorry…but whatever people might say…i’m doing all this for quite a while now…
and all what i can say…is…u find me really really impressed that all this comes from nothing but this only…

what a great selection of sonic machines and what an endless pallette of timbres and options to use and abuse them within one SAME box…and this is only the beginning…

and another sorry…in this case…to say so…and i’m not a disser…but in this case i just have to rant…this bobeats can’t even harvest this bloody piece of gear for any better…


agreed !

This Box seems insanely good.
Is it just me, or is it really sounding that good, kind of next level ?

no problem with youtubers myself. i don´t have to click any :wink:


Sure! It was a while ago now but let’s hope I remember :slight_smile: First I played the keyboard part on the piano until I had something I liked. Then I recorded it as MIDI into Logic (using velocity and the sustain pedal just as on the piano). After that, I manually split the notes over seven monophonic tracks and emulated the sustain pedal by making certain notes longer. And finally I recorded it into the Syntakt sequencer (on all of the seven tracks, each on their own channel) with Live-rec, clocked by Logic.
For Track 8 I did something similar, played the voicings on a piano and then ”decoded it” manually to the correct note, chord type and inversion (balance) for the SY CHORD machine and placed them using Grid-rec.
The rest of the tracks where mostly Live-rec’ed on the trigs. Except the sound locks of course.