Syntakt stops playing midi sequence from Ableton via Overbridge

Hey guys,
I am quiet new to Elektron’s workflow and would like to ask couple of things.
First one, I would like to use different Max 4 Live sequencers like Sting! or ML-185 to sequence bass / synths machines of Syntakt.
I am using Syntakt via Overbridge and what i did is I did a template for multitrack recording which works just fine but then I asked myself how do i send midi to specific Syntakt’s channel.

I ve made midi channel and made “Midi To” Syntakt (the track with Plugin) and then chose Channel with instrument I wanted.
Then I ve added Sting! and it worked but for short period of time then it stucked. Then after some time i heard couple of notes and it worked again.
What am I doing wrong?



It often helps to give more details, for example specs about your setup and interface settings. Maybe even a screenshot of your DAW.

Here is on 16 second you can see how it drops.
Setup is simple. It’s Macbook Air M1, Syntakt via Overbridge, Digitakt via Overbridge.

I would like to use Midi clips from Ableton & Max4Live sequencers like Sting! to create melodic patterns on Syntakt and/or Digitakt.