Syntakt SY Chord "Balance"

Does anyone have a reference chart showing the chord voicings that result from the “BAL” setting?

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Waiting for yours. :content:



All joking aside… I would!


It’s not so bad, goes by roughly by 10s but is stretched over 127 instead of 120. Here it is for Cmaj7

Encoder 8vb Note 8va
0 C
10 C E
20 C E G
32 (ROOT) C E G B
42 E C G B
52 E G C B
62 (INV1) E G B C
72 (INV2) G B C E
84 (INV3) B C E G
96 [ROOT] C E G B
106 C G B E
116 C B E G
127 C E G B

The root note is always there, the dark ghosts are an octave down, and the Mario ghosts are an octave up. There are generally 3 note voicings halfway between these marks.


Thank you very much!

Well done @Humanprogram !
I didn’t know that way to display a sheet.
Did you use an editor ?


I once pasted in a table from iCloud notes to find this site had automatically translated it into an extended-Markdown-style table. It’s a format where cells are separated by “|” characters, with “-” characters separating the headers.

This forum is easily one of the most user-friendly (not to mention ad- and engagement-algorithm-free) places I’ve encountered on the web in recent memory.


Nice. There are online converters into that format too (from various things like spreadsheets, web pages). I had to use one recently … didn’t bookmark it as it was easy to find.

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Ok Thank You
In ter es ting

So it looks like there are “drop 3” voicings (lower third highest), but not “drop 2” (lower second highest), which is a pity.

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[Revising now I’ve had my coffee, said too many wrong things!:]

That’s right, no drop 2 and generally pretty close voicings, and no rootless voicings outside of looking for cognate chords. I find the voices with 9ths, especially the (sigh) “no5” chords a little more spacious.

For working with the chord machine, I tend to p-lock or modulate around the 32-96 area, as inverted voicings tend to sound better against basslines.

That said, my favorite way to do chord progressions is to move triads around on a keyboard, so my RK-002 cable for using multiple channels polyphonically is coming in the mail next week…

Ooh, the RK-002 looks interesting. I assume you mean you’d run a script that did voice allocation to Syntakt tracks when you played multiple notes on a keyboard controller.

Yes, @sezare56 recently posted a video of the RK-002 in action for polyphony on Syntakt—not having success searching for it here or on his youtube channel—and that’s exactly what it does.

Edit, just happened on it browsing elsewhere, sounds great: Syntakt standalone music - #1220 by sezare56

I think that’s ONE of the things it does, probably the thing it’s most famous for.

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Interesting choices they made. I suppose if they had an interface like the one for MIDI channels where you can specify the four notes, then we wouldn’t have the fun modulation possibilities. So far I haven’t found a type/bal combination for the common rootless 6/9 voicing. eg. E-G-A-D.


Yes, the overlap between voicings I’d just plonk down with my right hand and what’s available here is mysteriously small. I’m beginning to suspect they don’t have a jazz pianist on the payroll. ; )

My consulting fees are reasonable, Elektron!