Syntakt: Tagging Factory Sounds

I’d like to go through all of the preset sounds and tag my FAVorites. I need to open the Sound Manager and:

  1. play the sound (change from digital to analog track or vice versa if it’s not the right track class)
  2. click ->
  3. TOGGLE lock (off)
  4. select EDIT Tags
  5. select the FAVOURITE tag
  6. click SAVE
  7. go back
  8. TOGGLE lock (back on)
  9. click <- to select and play the next sound…

REALLY? Are there any shortcuts I missed or is it that complicated?

Okay. Steps 3 and 8 can be done by selecting all sounds first and then applying the TOGGLE command.

You can also apply new tag for multiple sounds at once (via multi select)

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I’ did it. I think the way to go is:

  1. Select Track 1 (digital)
  2. Open Sound Manager
  3. Select Bank A (Trigger button 9)
  4. “->”, SELECT ALL
  5. TOGGLE (lock) off
  7. “<-” play each sound of the bank and mark your favorites with YES
  8. “->”, EDIT Tags
  9. select the FAVOURITE tag and click SAVE
  10. Close Sound Manager
  11. Select Track 10 (analog) and repeat steps 2 - 10
  12. Select Track 12 (analog HH) and repeat steps 2 - 20
  13. Open Sound Manager, “->” SELECT ALL and TOGGLE lock (back on)

Finally, repeat the entire procedure for each preset bank.

It’s a pita, mainly because the Sound Manager always shows all available sounds of the bank, but only plays sounds that fit the class of the selected track. So most of the time you’ll just step through sounds, try to play them and see an error message that you can’t play them. You might want to wait for Elektron to fix that in a future update. Hopefully…

Another potential problem is the TOGGLE lock function. If you mess this up and lock some sounds of a bank but others not, there’s no way to fix that apart from selecting each of those sounds separately and TOGGLE the lock back. I understand that they don’t want endless menus, but separate options for LOCK and UNLOCK (in combination with SELECT/DESELECT AL) would be way more helpful than this TOGGLE.

And a last note: This would be a task for a computer, so why in the world is there a Sound Browser in Overbridge, but no Sound Manager?

You can change the track number / type while in Sound Manager and effectively be able to play all sounds one by one
But overall totally agree it would be useful if the sounds were somehow marked to distinguish the main three categories

Could you please explain that in detail? I tried it several times and it didn’t work.

TRK + Trig 1 / 9 / 12 (dependending on desired machine category) while in Sound Manager (not Browser)

Ah, now I see. I got you wrong. You meant if I can’t play a preset I can switch to a different track class until I can play it. Yes, that’s true. But imo that takes longer than the method I desribed. (Worst case you have to change track class two times because you never know which one is required.)

There are 1265 sounds in the +Drive. So I have to scroll and previev every sound three times because oft three differnet types of machines…
I tried. And somewhere in bank C I pressed a wrong button and all the marked sounds are dismarked because I left the Soundbrowser :((
Please Elektron make an update to fix that!!! With Digitakt it works so fine to put your favourite Sounds to the pool