Syntakt upgrade/uplevel forthcoming!

Com’on, you’re already thinking about it :wink:

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That’s it… I gave in and ordered a Syntakt, when I saw a B-Stock at Thomann for even less then the reduced price. At this price + the anticipated upgrade, i just couldn’t resist anymore :see_no_evil:


I don’t think Digitakt would get this features due to the small 1GB +Drive storage.
Stereo means doubling the amount of space occupied. And time-stretching and slices means longer samples, so it means even more storage.

Don’t get me wrong, I would love this features in DT but I’m being realistic and 1Gb isn’t too much space once you start copying or sampling something else than one-shot drums or short samples.

Maybe one day we’ll have DT MKII with external storage card and this would be possible, but I wouldn’t count on it.

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… I really wish I hadn’t sold off my Analog Keys… but it funded my Octatrack so not bad at all, but now I can’t decide whether to go back to that monster Analog or go for the newer Syntakt. Maybe I should ask my wife which one I should get… :shushing_face:
The RK002 has come in handy a few times in various situations, but I picked up a Blokas Midihub that is doing the hard processing to keep all my MIDI crapola in time, I ended up getting two and daisy chaining them, but I’d still be using the RK002 should I go for the Syntakt…
The G50 has suprisingly quick response for it’s age, I remember it as good as the Roland GI-20 I replaced mine with, but I kept the Yamaha 13 pin cable that was the best 13 pin cable around at the time. Lasted years. Bass guitarists’ boots have destroyed most of my cables over the years… :roll_eyes:

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Inputs end up as digital channels with Overbridge VST so the hardware is capable of digital sampling.

If they add samples I imagine it’d be sample playback only, perhaps even limited to 12-bit like on the MD. Or maybe user waves in combination with a few wavetable machines like on the Monomachine.


Elektron are running a little sale on the Syntakt to celebrate a powerful new firmware update, due to launch this week. We’ve got them down to £719.00 until the end of the month so grab yourself a deal while they’re still in stock!

A cheeky little tease from Elevator Sound Information Network newsletter.


I might get run off with pitchforks for this, but I actually would love to see the analogue voices getting an overhaul, or rather, the control/exposed parameters for them.

There’s just something about the waveform selection and all those modes squashed into such a small knob range it just really puts me off and 9/10 times I’ll just go and use one of the digital voices instead.

The 2 osc analogue voice is probably my least used by a mile.


The DVCO was already an attempt at ‘exposing’ the underlying architecture of the kick/snare drum synths. Feels like a lot of people go in expecting a standard analog monosynth and get turned off by the unstable tuning and somewhat wonky sound and unconventional controls.

I’d recommend messing with it not to create standard synth tones, but weird bass and kick sounds. That’s really where it shines.


My Syntakt has been so close to being listed for sale over the last few months, and I’m not 100% certain why I have hesitated.

Anyway, I have it back out and on drum duty in my home studio alongside my A4mk2 and Rev2.
Fingers crossed this next upgrade changes my mind about the ST!

Poly-voices seems like such a simple thing to add into the digital synth engines in theory… that would be my biggest hope.


I hate being negative all the time but I think Elektron is betting big by announcing an “Upgrade” and starting a sale upfront. Most of the time they bring little updates. Some like them, some don´t. Could´nt care less about song Mode for example, but some of you have gone crazy. I can only rember one Update which really changed a Device significantly in my opinion. That was the DVCO for the rytm. And Folks apreciate this to this day.
I really think if they care to bring syntakt upfront for a long time the schould bring new machines constantly. make it fun to explore new stuff every now and then. Legacy stuff :wink:
If they really just bring a compressor or anyhing like this. Fine, some folks will go crazy, some like me couldn´t care less and looking at the device as a whole…yeah could be cool…isn´t yet…will it be…could it? will elektron…naaa questionable

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Poly mode for A4, Trig Conditions, Slices / Slots midi control and multiple selection for OT, Trig Preview…


All cool, but would you really consider them so drastically changing?

I see it differently. So the sample RAM is 64MB, which means, since your projects are RAM-limited, backing up all the samples recorded for a maxed-out song isn’t horrendously time-consuming, and doing so takes little thought with a little planning. My plan already is to do this once I’m running low, because I’m using DT as a phrase sampler to avoid bringing a laptop to shows. I imagine that having stereo samples would be not much of a jump from the current situation, where you have to watch your RAM usage, and you’d use it sparingly. And an on-board function could convert stereo-to-mono in emergencies.

I guarantee you that Elektron’s developers are working full time, and the updates that they make are the ones that are possible for them. Expecting new machines every month like Fortnite is unreasonable for Elektron’s size. These sound generation algorithms are worked on over the course of years, it is just not really possible to make new ones at a similar quality faster than they do.


Then give the community an SDK and watch it…

Oh and by the way. The Machines in Syntakt are from the Cycles. Recycling.

And what they could have done for a long time which would suit every machine is giving us log and exp envelopes.

They want their devices to be rock solid in a live performance environment. User developed algorithms open your device up to a lot of instability. And for better or worse Elektron want total control over their devices for a variety of reasons, differentiating them from each other in the market, having control of user experience, etc.


Digitakt wasn´t rocksolid for ages.

It isn´t a big problem to design everything the way, that the sound creating algo can do absolutly no harm to everything else in the machine even if it starts to do funny things.

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Poly mode for A4 and Trig conditions, definitely.

And all updates together can make drastic changes…


point taken.

it´s just sad to see this box box with potential and it´s just not used (in my opinion).

I look at it kind of like an Iphone. If just someone would jailbreak this thing and we could do what we want, but noooo we need to wait until Elektron decides it´s time to let to of one small little update. sucks. Just jailbreak it :grinning: And open up an inofficial App Store I want a Modal Drum Machine Machine in this Machine :grin: And different envelopes . But noooooo

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