Syntakt USB Ripcord

Hi all,

I usually get USB rip cords from, but apparently the normal Digitakt, Digitone etc. rip cords are only 1A and the Syntakt requires 2A.

I reached out to and have not received a reply yet.

Anyone have thoughts on another way to power the Syntakt with a USB power bank?

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I have their regular (not PD) converter for Digitakt. I bought it after many reports of issues with Ripcords and only seeing praise for Birdcord. [Edit: wrong voltage, see below.]


Thanks for the reply.

So maybe this 12v model with a male to male USB A cord?

Just realized it was USB C. So a USB C to A adapter.


Sorry, yes, I got the voltage wrong, 12V not 9V.

I don’t have any experience with PD power banks but as it is a recent technology, I imagine most if not all of them would have USB-C ports.

While Ive only owned one ripcord, it was dead on arrival, i have two birdcord one 9v and one 12v and both work flawlessly.

Not sure they will work with Syntakt though since it is 2A

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The older cords won’t, which is why I linked to the new PD cord, which promises up to 3A. Probably need a hefty power pack, though.

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It says a max of 3A. So I’m guessing that would be OK?

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Yeah probably! Anyways I’d chose birdcord over ripcord every time!


So I guess you’d have to find a battery pack they can handle at least a 2A load? Not sure how to spec that out when shopping for it.

RAVpower has power banks with wall warts as well, that is another option. I use one to power my modular on the go…

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So you think the 12 V model I linked to would have the right sizing for the Syntakt?

From a brief search, it looks as if many power packs specify max amperage at various voltage levels. I did see some that said 12V/3A, but also 12V/1.5A and 12V/2A, so probably someone is going to have to do some experimenting.

Just be mindful that some early (probably none in the wild) units had this printed on them (mine included) - but you should use the prescribed adaptor and ignore reference to 1A on the chassis - see manual and Elektron etc

but for the avoidance of doubt - a few early (rare :tongue:) editions look like this - i can’t go into the why tho !



So do you think I would be safe with this model?

If you actually look at the description it mentions both analog heat and Rytm both which I believe require more amps…

So this means it can take higher amps and has the same barrel size as the other Elektrons… so I’m pretty certain this one will do

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I saw in Andrew Huang’s Syntakt video he was using a Ripcord, I have one of those from the Digitone, so was hoping to be able to use that.


I use that one with my OT, A4 etc. works flawlessly, just make sure your powerbank supports PD.

Plus the guy who makes these is super nice, every oder comes with a handwritten thank you note.

(I have the 12V one and the 9V one)

I only found out the other day Ripcord are an Irish company. I live up the road from their head office. always just assumed they were from the US.

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I have one of these. Works fine with digitone and rytm mk2. Will work fine with Syntakt too, though I haven’t tested it yet.

I have this one, but was concerned about the 1A spec. I guess that’s the one Andrew is probably using in that video?