Syntakt very hot while off

Hey just wanted to let everyone know of something that happened last night. I had my Syntakt turned off but still plugged in and this morning it was very hot, much hotter than it’s average playing temp. Has anyone else had this issue? I guess just make sure to unplug when not in use.

I don’t have a Syntakt, but I have a bunch of other gear and that doesn’t sound right at all. I would contact Elektron.

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Yes, with the switch off it should not use any power at all if I’m not mistaken, so it should stay completely cold.

Hey @mfk you’ve opened up the Syntakt. Is the on/off switch across power ? What do you think of this ?

BTW : wyatt if your Syntakt gets even hotter when you unplug it, Elektron shipped you the Syntakt Nuclear Reactor !

:radioactive: :radioactive: :radioactive:

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That doesnt sound like just a bug…

I would contact Elektron support asap and keep it unplugged… you don’t want to risk a fire and damage your other equipment, lose any work etc.


I’m interested to hear what Elektron tells you, especially if this in any way relates to safety.

Is there any possibility they screen saver kicked in and it was left on by mistake … ? !

It’s odd if it was actually powered off properly

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You mean like Elektron battery it could mean a complete product recall due to fire hazard.

That is what should happen with an unsafe product. But it seems very very unlikely .

But I agree with Lech …

until wyatt knows what is happening.

ADDED : I like avantronica’s idea of it being the screen saver and normal heat.


Seems unlikely if they use the same dc receptor and switch and it’s integrated the same, it’s a switch, so should go off when you switch it, if it didn’t then there’d need to be a reason - check that the proper psu was in place etc etc or whether other devices were hooked up. Best let the op clarify what was done and see what Elektron think if the support enquiry is triaged for prompt reply

We are talking low voltage here, so you’d imagine that a controlled test might eventually be possible, but that’s not in my jurisdiction to suggest … but in terms of being methodical, it might be a plan if Elektron don’t just want to have it back to base

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It is possible that maybe I didn’t turn it off properly but I’m fairly certain that I did. I switched it back on to make sure it still was still working. I have used it again today and it is running at normal temp. Elektron replied saying that they will need to investigate the unit. I had it plugged in with the proper cable to a Thurman power conditioner. Hopefully it was user error but I suppose everyone keep an eye out just in case.

Just a quick update. I played the Syntakt yesterday, and left it plugged in while turned off. It stayed cool so I am thinking that it was indeed the screen saver. Thank you all.


That’s good to understand. This may surprise others too.