Syntakt's FX track & Overbridge

Hi Elektronauts !

Just wondering how the FX track works with Overbridge.
In his review loopop says it’s an insert effect, so if for example we have a sidechain effect on every track except the kick, the FX track will stream every tracks except the kick ?
Which means if we want to multitrack record in Ableton, we will have to record the master output soloing every track to have the FX track applied to them ?

Thanks for reading. :content:

You can still record a mono file of each individual track via overbridge, no matter if it is routed through the FX track or not. But it will be recorded before it goes through the FX track, so without the analog drive and filter. The FX track will be one stereo file of every track that’s being routed through it. In addition, overbridge allows you to also record an additional stereo file with only the delay and reverb.

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If you do a Template for the Syntakt, you should have 15 Tracks :

  • The 12 Tracks (8 digital and 4 analog)
  • The Send FX Track (Delay and Reverb)
  • The Analog FX Block
  • The Inputs

Okay, thats what I was looking for !
Thanks man. :okej:

Yeah will do that when I receive my unit. :cool:
Great track you posted on the Syntakt only topic btw !

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Thank you @Myso!

Plus the main output as a stereo track.

The Send FX Track uses the Main Output.

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Nope, on the ST you are able to have delay/reverb on a separate stereo track.


Cool, thanks for the info. Do you know if they did the same with the other OB boxes?

No, sorry. I only tried the new overbridge with the ST. It would be great to get the same flexibility with the other boxes, but I guess the ST must have been planned to stream so many tracks at once from the beginning. I don’t know if this feature can simply be included via firmware updates on the other boxes.

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I’ll try later on and report back.


I’m not able to record the delay / reverb track into Ableton.

I put a sound into the delay with lots of feedback, so the levels are pinned.
You can see overbridge picks that up fine. Main outs are showing as well as delay/reverb.

Then in Ableton, only the main tracks have any level.

Anyone else seeing this? Doesn’t seem there is any settings in overbridge that would effect this.

thanks for any help!

Use the Syntakt plugin inside Ableton and see if you’re able to view all the tracks.

what is the syntakt plugin? I can’t find any reference to it on the downloads page

What type of computer are you using? With Macs, it’s an option as part of the Overbridge installation. There are plugins for many Elektron boxes to add versatility and functionality with DAWs.

Windows 10

Ok. I’m not familiar with Overbridge on a Windows system.

On Windows, in the Overbridge installation process, there’s a page that gives you options for installation packages. Checking the Syntakt one should install a VST plugin and a stand-alone Syntakt app (you can search from start menu if the latter is already installed).

In the Ableton picture above it looks like you’re using an audio interface as the sound source—with the VST installed and located, you should be able to drag “Syntakt” plug-in in as a MIDI track, which then puts “Syntakt” into the list of audio sources for tracks (where “Ext In” shows up now)

If you find the Syntakt stand-alone app, it also has a serviceable recording interface if that’s simpler