Synth track is sending same midi cc than midi track?

Hi all,
There’s a strange midi behavior on my digitone that I don’t understand.
I have a keystep sending midi notes to the midi track 4 (on midi channel 8)
On this same digitone track I have lock trigs sending cc to my shruthi synth (channel 15).
But when the digitone also send the same midi cc from other synth track when I push a step in record mode(cf video).

How is that possible ?

Mmy synth track 1-4 can receive midi notes from channel 1 to channel 4 respectively.


Hi Rom

Very strange indeed
Can you give is some more details of your setup
First thing thats keep popping up in my mind
Is a midi loop but yeah dont know if thats even possible :wink:

Hey Kenneht,
Here is the midi routing :
keystep → digitone (master clock) → shruthi → keystep (end of the loop) .
When I take the keystep out of the setup, this thing stops.

I dont work with a keystep( so dont know his midi settings and stuf)
But Im getting more convinced of a midi loop

You work dawless?

Yes this midi routing is dawliess