Synthesis Exhausted?

Stuff in the color of Tool.
Evil af.

kitchen countertops, cabinets, passports and licenses, all being smashed vigorously with various heavy blunt objects, such as their online advertisers

i feel better now

OK, there seems to be a winner :smiley:

One thing could be cool as well : a BASS pack !
There are many people in this forum asking formulas, help, or third party devices because they struggle to synthesize decent bass with the A4.

It’s an axis that could interest many I think.

+1 for bass

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Recently got an A4 and have been planning on getting the packs you already have.

Vote for new pack sounds would be FM and lots of ambient pads.

Keep up the great work!

An FM style pack would be great to learn from!

Actually a bass pack would also be cool…

There is already a bass pack called Low Register:


I have the Low Register pack already, its impressive but some FM style ones would be welcome :slight_smile:

Thx Adrian : I missed this one :slight_smile:



It looks like FM has won :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now that the Four has FM, how long till it finally gets the DAB upgrade? :frowning:

Seem like FM winning there :wink:

I’ve just to Finnish to listening/testing all sound-packs included yours
And if i looking for ALL i’m able to say what’s lack at least to my ears and taste - To me there’s missing some Sounds with new FM capabilities because it’s new so no one does something with it for now.

But i miss texture / pads / string / (nice) Deep Chords something in the seventh minor territory let’s say more jazzy rather Saw Stab Dub Techno which is something everybody probably know how to do it now since it’s some years that everyone release that kind of shak gimmik :stuck_out_tongue:

Some Vintage Keys with good noise at the beginning in the organ way.
Some super nice ARP with a Good Rhythm and crazy modulations
Some ambient and pleasant, clean and beautiful things

In the all other territories it’s all cover i think… and ready to study to get the most of the Beast.

Cheers and thanks because you are one of my favorite (and you did some awesome ARP (especially ARP DM5, ARP FUN, ARP T63, ARP T82) Trio with Druma and FIsound.

we need more cowbell!!

Armchair Avante Gardeism soundpack please.

I would love to see an SFX bank! Lots of cool sfx/sound design!

Also texture/pads would be great. Stuff that’s science fiction themed!

I find that too much of the stuff people are putting out there for patches are focusing on a vintage sound, when the analog four is a future synth! Would be cool to see that showcased!

+1 to Kwamensah (+ a bank of perf control too!!!)

Some great ideas for the next floppy patch pack. Cant wait to hear the results. Any updates FDP :slight_smile:

Delia Derbyshire / Radiophonic workshop/ sci-fi (all eras) inspired set would be cool :slight_smile:

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