Synthesizing nature sounds

I’ve been lately creating nature sounds for art projects with (mostly) analog synths: wind, rivers, waves, birds, insects… and yesterday I made the most realistic cat purr with Moog Grandmother and Beads! Possibly the most relaxing ambient track I’ve ever made! :smile_cat::kissing_cat:

I’ve found designing natural sounds with synths an incredibly rewarding practice, because it forces you to really think what is happening inside the sound. Wind is easy, birds are medium difficulty, but a realistic river took me hours!

A year ago I got a Digitone and have been learning to design complex sounds with it. Although I’m slowly getting better at it, I still often get lost in the crazy alien space soundscapes with it. Has anyone here tried making nature sounds with Digitone or other synths? Do you know any good resources or tutorials for designing complex nature sounds with synths?


I attempted Satin Bower bird sounds on yhe digitone. I was happy with it.

They sound like weirdo robot aliens anyway…

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Yeah, I really wish I had a synth with a noise generator. Making bird chirps and wind swooshes was really relaxing.

Said the noise artist.


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On the subject, for whom don’t know Francis Preve and his work, check this out :


Starting point for… just try
Dial in some chorus for stereospread

image image image image image image image image image

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This sounds pretty close to what I’ve been doing lately! Very cool, thanks! I wish there was more Scapes on his website.

Yes, he’s really good. And also talks about it really well :

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Rainforest. Hit C pad 9 with these setting: image image image image image image image image image image

LOVING that cat purr drone, bravo

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