Synthy noizy



127 or less …
dec 35 - 85
trem 0
tfrq 0

mod 0
mfrq 0
mdec 0
FB 28 (not higher than 39 ! )

amd 0
amf 0
eqf 0
eqg 0

fltf 0
fltw 113
fltq 57
srr 0

dist 41
vol 100
pan 0
del 56

rev 48
lfos 64
lfod 63

track ch off course
param dec
shp1 the first one
shp2 second last
updte free
shmix 0

…I really could listen to this one plus a BD and some drone noize bass buzz for hours!

BPM 133 … all trigs in sequencer trigged …enjoy messing about ESPECIALLY FB and REV !!!

Post up some sysex or something ;]

Thanks for sharing though - I can appreciate the immediacy of dialing it in manually vs. connecting and xfering a few bits.