Sysex and linux with amidi

Not a question, just a trick. Connect your DT with USB and choose USB in PORT CONFIG. Select your device:
$amidi -l
Dir Device Name
IO hw:2,0,0 Elektron Digitakt MIDI 1
Now dump sysex send for your project:
$amidi -p hw:2,0,0 -r my_project.sys
The size of the sysex file is 4049405 bytes else there is an error !!!
And dump sysex receive:
$amidi -p hw:2,0,0 -s my_project.sys
Nothing to install and works very well. The same for patterns. I hope this help somebody.


Good to know this works for the newer machines too, it’s basically the same as I posted 9 years ago for the Machinedrum:


Awesome! Super simple to use amidi for firmware updates but now that I know the correct size I can comfortably backup my Digis. Thanks!

Also this forum supports markdown so if you wrap your code in triple backticks you get:

$ amidi -l
Dir Device Name
IO hw:2,0,0 Elektron Digitakt MIDI 1
$ amidi -p hw:2,0,0 -r my_project.sys
$ amidi -p hw:2,0,0 -s my_project.sys

Makes it a bit easier :slight_smile:


We need a dedicated Linux section in the forum. Or at least a Linux tips / tricks thread. Over the years there is so much cool stuff that people have pulled off using the Linux OS. We sure have come a long way from having to compile your own kernel and trying to make your soundblaster 16 work :yum:


I just wait a few seconds after the elektron device says it’s finished sending the dump and hit Ctrl-C. The amidi utility seems good about flushing its buffers so that interrupting it like that won’t lose anything. All the midi data received had always been fully written to the file in my experience.


I use Jack, and when Jack is running, amidi cannot connect to the Elektron devices.

Is there any way I can keep Jack running AND connect amidi to the devices at the same time, or is there perhaps some tool in the Jack suite that can be used for the same purpose? I tried using jack_midi_dump, but the output to the file looks different than that from amidi.

Also, the SysEx transfer is quite slow (over USB). Is that simply a limitation of SysEx, or is it possible to speed it up?

If you haven’t already, select USB only (not MIDI+USB) to speed it up a bit.


use a2jmidid.

in Ubuntu/Debian/derivatives, it’s installable as a package.


i haven’t experienced this issue before.

for example, this is what i do to backup my mioxl;

amidi -p hw:3,0,15 -s ~/Documents/\*music/\*backups/mioxl/BACK_UP_ALL_XL.syx; sleep 1; amidi -p hw:3,0,15 -r ~/Documents/\*music/\*backups/mioxl/mio_xl_12-2021.syx