SysEx implementation on TR-8S and other Roland gear

I wouldn’t hold your breath on sysex specs - I’ve done some work in for them in the past and outside of what is published in their manuals and midi specs, they don’t provide anything. This might actually be because there are no sysex specs to publish due to nothing being supported - for machines that do have sysex (e.g. JDXA, TB3) these are fully documented - so we can only assume that those without specs don’t have anything.

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From Roland support again, I’ve had confirmation that there’s no sysex implementation.
That’s a shame indeed.


yeah, that’s a shame, i was really hoping they’d have added something to this one - would make full integration so much easier. just don’t understand why they don’t do it.

Hi leehu,

Actually, TB-3 have more features than Roland had disclosured with MIDI implementation document.
I had lots of investigation about TB-3 sysex, and found that TB-3 is full featured synthesizer.
The discription is here.

Free editor for TB-3

Also, I found that TB-8S have undocumented sysex functions like TB-3. I will investigate about that.

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Hi. That TB3 sysex spec isn’t undocumented - it’s available from their website (I develop an editor for it also).

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Yes, I know Roland released sysex document.
But I found more functions than Roland disclosured.
In particular, I found that TB-3 have the following functions.

  • LFO with five wave forms
  • Ring modulation and cross modulation
  • ADSR envelope for filter and amp
  • All parameters are assignable to effect knob and touch pad

Thank you,


Oh, i see, sorry - I misunderstood. That’s great !

I’ll get my editor updated in the new year. How did you discover these new functions, just by trial and error?


Yes, just by trial and error.


cool - interesting to see what you can find for the TR8-S. There’s alot of undocumented sysex for the MX-1 also.


Wow, I’m interested in undocumented sysex for the MX-1 .
Also, I just finished research of sysex for AIRA Modular Effects.

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I’d be interested in the results of all of this!

@mugenkidou Very interesting. Any idea if the additional features in the TB-3 are also present in the TB-03?

No, Roland said there was no sysex for TB-03.

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I had chance to talk to roland engineer of TB-03, he told that TB-03 had no sysex function.


Unofficial AIRA Effects MIDI Implementation v1.1


Wow, so you can re-configure and re-patch the virtual modules directly via MIDI sysex and skip the AIRA Modular Customizer app? That’s… pretty cool. I mean, I guess that’s what the app is doing. But that could be extremely useful.

Thanks for this.

ever find out about the tr-8s? @mugenkidou seems like your the guy to find it if it’s there. i just pickedup a tr-8s on a whim and love having a dedicated TR maxhine again, but yeah…KIT Editing is crap and takes ages, such a waste of all that power, we all just need an kit editor. Unbelievable that roland, if they dont want midi sysex, have an app like they do for the fx modules.

Hi evryone, just reviving this thread since i’m planning to create a device to augment the TR-8S features. I know nothing about sysex or midi scripting but what i would like to do is very simple. Can someone explain how to look for for hidden sysex on the TR-8S? I mean the trial and error process mentioned above.
I’d like to fin a way to control the Tune parameter on Tr-8S tracks with a proper resolution (from -128 to +127) instead of standard midi cc (0 to 127).
Thank you so much in advance for any answer!

At high level, Perhaps you can try having some midi monitoring software on your computer whilst the Tr8s is connected to the new TR editor that was release a few months back, turn the tune knob and see what is generated, as I understand the Tr8s and editor software transmit this midi data in real-time. No idea what software to use on Mac or windows , but I know iOS has apps that can monitor midi data sent between apps. Hope this helps.

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Thanks a lot for answering! :slight_smile:
I tried that, problem is the Official editor seems to send async sysex messages to the TR-8S. With midi monitor on i see periodic messages (always the same two messages repeated). When i turn a knob on the editor there’s no immediate message, although i can see the value immediately changing in the TR-8S.
After a few seconds the periodic message reappears. Is it possible that the real messages get hidden to midi monitoring softwares?
Thanks a lot!

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