Sysex visualisation of sounds

Hy there,

I am not a hacker but would like to have a tool, which shows the all the parameters of a sound in one picture. This would be awsome to analyze patches on a big screen.

I know there is overbridge, but I don’t like to use my instruments with a computer.

Is this hard to programm?

p.s. for linux

What do you mean by “one big picture”? An overview of the parameters similar to what Overbridge provides?

If you don’t like to use a computer, what kind of Linux-based “tool” do you have in mind?

The SysEx data format for the AF has not been publicly released by Elektron although some hackers have decoded it.

What do you mean by “one big picture”? An overview of the parameters similar to what Overbridge provides?

If you don’t like to use a computer, what kind of Linux-based “tool” do you have in mind?

The SysEx data format for the AF has not been publicly released by Elektron although some hackers have decoded it.[/quote]
I have something like this in my mind. Open the sysex file with the “tool” and you get a picture something like this:

For this example-picture you need a win/OSX and a DAW license to get this overview. It is not handy to view all single pages on the AF and keep in mind the previous ones.

And a linux tool for a single pc is not necessary, when there will be a website where you upload the sysex and can view/ download such a picture.

What do you mean by “one big picture”? An overview of the parameters similar to what Overbridge provides?

If you don’t like to use a computer, what kind of Linux-based “tool” do you have in mind?

The SysEx data format for the AF has not been publicly released by Elektron although some hackers have decoded it.[/quote]
I have something like this in my mind. Open the sysex file with the “tool” and you get a picture something like this:

For this example-picture you need a win/OSX and a DAW license to get this overview. It is not handy to view all single pages on the AF and keep in mind the previous ones.

And a linux tool for a single pc is not necessary, when there will be a website where you upload the sysex and can view/ download such a picture.[/quote]

OK, I see.

So there are therefore two elements to the task:

  1. Decode the AF’s SysEx format for its sounds. I think a few people have done that already.

  2. Write code for a browser that interacts with the AF via MIDI SysEx, reads the SysEx file, and displays the data.

Some people on the forum certainly have the skills to do this.

last year i hacked the complicated, encoded and packed dsi tempest sysex format. i ended up with writing tools to help me hacking it. it was pain and i will never do it again without having support (complete sysex documentation) from the manifacturer.

Ok … I see, this is only a belief than handy.


I’m a developer and will decode the sysex structures of A4 for creating a good browsable backup storage of sounds, projects etc.

I found a github project that decodes sysex from the AR, which probably will give much input to my work on A4 sysex decoder and speed up the progress…

I’ll post a link to my github project in this thread later on…

You might be interested in studying this project for the AF.