Taiga from Pittsburgh Modular

I’ll shoot you a PM rather than keep taking this thread off course :slight_smile:

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I see the Majella Implexus has a waveshaper and a wavefolder, i.e. different functions. And back to the Taiga, it has both waveshaping and wavefolding, again different functions for different results.

I think if you want to get technical about the terminology waveshaping is just a broad term, it doesn’t really tell you how it is done and could be done with wavefolding. Wavefolding is more specific, although there are different circuits / methods of getting it done also but it would fall under a form of waveshaping.

Yeah my bad!

Also in response to the reply to me about wavefolding v waveshaping… yeah i could be wrong here, I may need to read up on the terms, this might help anyone who’s unsure:


But in essence, my point about the monologue is that the result of the waveshaping being done on the triangle wave has wavefold-like results though limited to one fold if I remember correctly… the Motas i haven’t looked at the result through a high res scope but it sounds like it can do many folds almost to the point of white noise haha…

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I have a minilogue; on a square the shaping is equal to pwm, on the triangle, as far as I hear, it morphs it into a saw. Would have to check on a proper oscilloscope.

This is my concern as well. I’m about 1 daydream away from going further into debt and picking up a Taiga, but…I was obsessed with getting my hands on a microvolt and was a bit disappointed with the level of care on some important details. Kept it for 3 months and sold it at a loss. I like the company and think they’ve likely created a nice piece of gear here, but don’t want a repeat of my last experience.

I’ve had a Manther now for maybe a year. I love it but it’s not without it’s quirks and instabilities—although the last firmware update did alleviate some of that. I’d say $400-$475 is a great price range for it, but at full price ($650 USD) that’s putting it nearly at the same price point as Taiga ($800), which seems, at first glance at least, to be of higher build quality…


What whao whao… You didn’t love the microvolt? :astonished:
Why??? I can’t think of why??
It is still my favorite, even more then this…lol.
I mean this is awesome, way more stuff…
But there’s is something about that microvolt… mmmmm… I really love it. Love the audio rate function generator is boss level… this or the voltage lab didn’t get that… and the oscillator is crazy. How could you not like it?

Well, I wouldn’t say I didn’t like it. It was a very beautiful instrument and despite it’s flaws I would have kept it but I decided it wasn’t quite earning the space it occupied. The tuning was off, the envelope and function generator had issues interacting properly together, if it were a sea vessel I would have been taking on some water for sure. It just had a similar feel to my Manther actually, where things felt a bit half-baked. My 0-coast, by contrast, feels super high quality, everything does what it’s supposed to do.


Good video, especially if you’re thinking about buying as i am. Helps think about this in Eurorack, with other parts around it. I like how he brought in an digital delay, which would also make sense in the Eurorack.

Very simply of me, but i really like the colors on the knobs.


Just learned about the Taiga today.

As a big fan of Pittsburgh Modular past products, it has captured my interest. Overall, I hope it is a good seller. When I checked Pittsburgh Modular’s website a few months ago, I questioned whether they were going out of business. Good to see they are still making new products.

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The microvolt 3900 is a beast

Taiga is even better I expect


So, they are in stock and shipping from the major US distributors, and my pre-order arrived yesterday. After some flailing (I initially misunderstood the dynamics knob) I was able to explore the normalized routings. Holy smokes it sounds good. And I was surprised how playable it is, too. This is going to be a fun synth to dive into over the years. I had high expectations, and it seems like it will deliver.


I could have basically written this exact post word for word lol. It’s fantastic!


They’re now showing as available immediately at Thomann in Europe too.

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MoogAudio in Canada is still listing it as “Ordered from Supplier” but I got a notification today that my pre-order was shipping.
So either they’ll be available soon or the amount they ordered was greater than the initial pre-orders.
In any case - I’ll have mine by the end of the week!


Wow this looks really nice, I love that they went with 3 oscillators!
And a plethora of starting waveshapes/combos even before the wavefolding (it took my a minute to realize the shape knob is actually for the wavefolding).
And a built in delay.
And the low pass gate implementation.
Some semi-hidden niceties: Pseudo random shift register, paraphonic mode, etc…

I hope they do really well with this, and I wish I was more impulsive because the last thing I need right now is an analog monosynth (even a paraphonic one).

I guess only one lfo for so many destinations is a little rough, do the ADSRs loop? Don’t seem to and I don’t see end of cycle outs (?), only a gate/trigger in - although there’s a hidden lfo you can access.

I find the filter to be a little odd to be honest. Maybe I’ve just gotten so used to the Moog filter lol. Kinda dislike how it doesn’t close all the way but I guess the LPG will do that albeit with less control.

Delay is ok, definitely not that useful to me as a typical delay but using it like it’s apart of the synth sound works well. Still just exploring and self patching. I don’t have any eurorack stuff, just semi Modulars for now so I’ll probably spend a few hours with it and the Moog desktops this weekend.

Sarah Belle Reid’s demo is super cool if you like the crazier side of sound design!