Tap tempo, no decimals?

Is it possible to lock in only round numbers when using the tap tempo function?
I’m planning on playing an improvised set with a friend and we wanted to play without a clock linking our devices. Having the tap tempo set to only round numbers would help in the live setting,
simplifing jumping in on a tempo change on the fly. Thanks for any tips!

Can you elaborate on why it would help? Just curious.

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You can tap tempo, and if it says 120.5, just hit arrow down key to adjust it to 120, for example.


I think for OP it would simplify tempo adjustment between 2 different machines, non synced.

BTW Octatrack shown decimal values are not showing real values. For instance 100.1 is actually 100.125.
So beware…

Seems different on Digis. 100.1 is 100.100
To be verified.

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it would be easier to tap then adjust with tempo dial on the fly. not so many numbers to deal with.

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thanks, i know about the arrow keys for fine tuning tempo. i was hoping to have one less step to have to think about in the heat of the moment! probably what we’ll have to do though!

good to know… thanks!